Living within this challenging and rapidly changing world, and one person's path using every tool and trick in the book to keep flexible, clear and focused.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Education and Bamboo
Most bamboo is considered the fastest growing plants in the world. However, there is one type of bamboo that grows in China, it grows only 2 inches the first year, then only 2 inches the next, and the next. for five years it only grows 2 inches each years, until at the end of the fifth year it will grow 90 feet.
90 feet in less than one year. Wow.
Education is a lot like that. You work hard and study for years and sometimes don't see any pay off to your dedication, get that job that requires the degree you got. Or because you have a degree you get a chance at an interview.
Education is a funny thing, once you have it it can never be taken away from you. Ever.
It takes dedication, perseverance, focus. But the payoff is worth it.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Light and Dark Side of Dissatifaction
I'm actually talking about a kind of whining when something ends, or we long for happiness, or love, or to be loved completely, or why isn't our body better, or our face prettier. You get the picture.
There is an ocean of dissatisfaction we live in. Some of the dissatisfaction is good, however.
Most of us do not know how to distinguish the light and the dark side of dissatisfaction. Sometimes it looks all the same.
Or we make the mistake of thinking we 'should' be satisfied with what we've got.
Well, yes, we want to feel accomplished with what we have, and strive for whats better, or whats next.
Don't miss the experience of feeling accomplished with the progress you've made, just don't get caught thinking that is the end.
And don't forget to give yourself the feeling of accomplishment, or achievement, no matter how small. That will spur you on to the next opening for your progression.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Liking What You See in the Mirror
When you look in the mirror, be friends with who is there. Most of us judge and evaluate ourselves viciously. "Oh, look at my belly, my hair, my wrinkles, my flab!" We say. Try having a good day after that conversation at the mirror.
What about, "Oh, look at the sparkle in my eyes, the nice curve of my cheeks, the smooth sounds of my voice."
Begin a love affair with the person in the mirror, not one based on ego, but based on honoring the spirit within. The essence of life that beats our heart, brings air into our lungs and many many under thanked jobs our life force does for us to allow us to live.
So be at peace, and find ways to bring your perfection to the surface. Bring the best out of that person in the mirror.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Calm Down vs Slow Down
It's important to notice what we do in the face of significant change? Mostly we want to hold on to what we think is true. Or return to old patterns, or habits in an effort to remain 'in control'. We try to slow down. We try, in our narrow view to control events, ourselves, our family or environment. We all do it to some extent.
That is where we make mistakes. Mistakes that don't register until it is way too late as we watch opportunities whiz by.
So, what is there to do? For lack of a better term, we need to calm down. Calm down and remain focused.
Here are some basic dos and dont's"
Do: breathe, keep your eyes on what you want, your goals, meditate or pray or sit silently for 10 minutes each day, drink water, do yoga or exercise daily, honor yourself as you honor others (or honor others as you honor yourself which ever works for you)
Don't: lose your temper, waste time in emotional dramas, family feuds, over indulge in alcohol, drugs, food or sugars (they only ramp you up to let you down).
Learn to listen. Listen to your intuition. The part of you that knows. That will keep you calm and focused.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Develop Your Core Courgae
It seems that in times of real challenge, I find a kind of tenacity, courage, and strength that surprises me.
I think we are all capable of marvelous courage. Most of us have never given ourselves the chance to be challenged. We shrink from challenges as if they were the plague. And yet we think of ourselves a great unsung heroes.
Hum, something is amiss here.
The way to develop your core courage is for it to be challenged. So, take that leadership role at work, or in your family, or community. Take it on and allow yourself to grow and develop core courage.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Lies We Tell Ourselves About Success
That is the first lie we tell ourselves about success, that it is an end to get to.
I was watching Sylvester Stallone's new movie "The Expendables" last week. And here were all these action figures from the 80's doing the action thing, blowing up things, running around chasing bad guys. And they looked aged, and a bit tired, but they didn't hide that they were aged and tired, they played it up. (A shock for Hollywood)
But what struck me most, was these men were obviously still lifting weights and working out. Not because it would make them a star, but it was a part of the fabric of who they were. They did it just because.
That is someone who is success prone. Doing a thing not for the reward, but because it is part of your DNA.
My old Ballet teacher used to say "you do because you do".
There is no rhyme or reason to success, except this: you succeed at what you do each day, writing, family, relationships, body care, money. What you practice on a daily basis is what brings you success, not as an end, but as a way to live life.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
From Complaints to Consciousness
All else is....madness.
Release the madness of complaints and become conscious.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hindsight is 20/20, Why not Insight?
We have this remarkable capacity; sight. Why not develop insight to it's highest degree?
Aldous Huxley wrote a book called, "The Art of Seeing". In it he gives several exercises on how to develop your vision. In the book he does mention that vision is still an inside job, what we allow ourselves to see, we see.
So, to develop your insight, get clear on your vision of your life. Visualize your life's goals everyday.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Making Lemonade out of Lemons

So whatever has happened in your life and whatever is going on right now, shake it off and step up.
Shake it off and step up.
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vicki Robin writes in Your Money or Your Life, that many Americans are making a dying instead of making a living, or making a killing. The work they are doing is un-fulfilling, even unhealthy, but caught up in the chase for money, they keep doing it.
Money itself isn't the problem. Money isn't bad or good, Money doesn't have power. It's our interpretation of money that holds the real mischief.
You may have to look closely to find the thread to your money story but it is there and it holds meaning for you. By beginning the process of examination you can change or transform your relationship to money to a place where your strengths and skills, your highest aspirations and your most profound qualities can be freed up. Whether we are millionaires or dollar-iares our relationship to money can be one of joy and freedom.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
For The Moment: Observe
The power of observation is key to any success.
Most people do not simply observe. They judge and evaluate. That's where they get lost.
Observation is really seeing without malice. It is allowing yourself to be in the presence of and receive information. That information, the feeling of the emotion in the room, the noticing of conversations going on, gives you a kind of power, clarity, and freedom to respond.
So, learn to pay attention. Pay attention to the people around you, to what is being said, what is not being said. Just pay attention.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Moment is Beautiful
I got tired of sales pitches promising me that if I acted now, and only now, my life would finally be....well, better.
I got tired of being told that times were hard, and nobody could ever make money in these economic times.
I got tired of being told I was wrong in some way, too fat, old, unskilled, imperfect.
I just got tired of struggling.
And so I stopped, and listened.
And the moment was beautiful. Just as it was, just as I was.
It was like giving myself a no calorie fudge Sunday or New York Cheesecake. It was delicious.
It didn't last, that moment. But neither do the hard moments. That was the realization. To allow each moment to pass, and roam free. To release the moments, not cling to the good or bad ones. But allow each moment to inform.
That takes listening. As Joseph Campbell says, We are the ears of the universe, the eyes, and consciousness of our world.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The difference between 'busy' and effective
It gave me pause, what are they really saying?
What am I really saying when I profess to being busy?
Usually, I'm saying no in a polite way. I've discovered many people are saying it to profess importance, or to 'get off the hook' to produce a result.
I have known many successful people, they never left me with a feeling that they were 'too busy' or that they were more important than anyone else. These effective shakers and movers got the results, and with grace and ease.
I didn't say easy, they did it with ease. That ease might be one of the many secrets to being effective and successful. They do not resist the problems at hand, they do not try to sluff them off to someone else, they are effective because they look at problems directly.
Ease, practice ease today. It brings clarity, joy in the moment, and effectiveness.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Distractions and Focus
If they are in what I determine to be a bad mood, I notice I alter my mood. I didn't used to be that way, I got scolded enough times telling me that I was insensitive to others feelings. So, I learned to suppress myself to honor the bad mood of the other.
Why do we do that?
Why can't the one in the bad mood shift up? Why can't they let go of their grumpiness and honor the good mood?
Crazy behavior, huh?
So, I am learning to honor the grump, and keep my focus of an upbeat mood. And it is learning.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Manifesting Thoughts

I have a Mastermind group, we meet by phone every other Tuesday night.
We've been supporting each other to get new careers that enliven us, give us joy and are a fulfillment of what we wish our legacy to be.
At the end of June, Jennifer got her dream job. On July 1st, I got mine. Natasha had a week of success in both her Mary Kay and speaking business. Now this Friday it's Krista's turn, she has an interview that we've determined will be the job offer. One person is still struggling.
So, looking at our results, I see many things. One is that manifesting just a job, doesn't take much. Manifesting your dream job takes a kind of persistence we Americans are not used to. We have an instant gratification society, and we are critical if we don't produce results fast. that is a mistake of youth.
Persistence is key to building a dream.
Second, you've got to keep your energies up, your spirits up, your focus up. remind yourself you can do this, it's perfect for you.
Most of us lose our focus way too fast. In other words we give up.
It's your dream! Hold on to it. See it everyday. Feel it everyday! Then allow the unseen forces to work while you take effective action.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I got my new job!
I got my dream job!
I am the Regional director of Programs for California Dollars For Scholars.
I am excited for the growth, development and contribution I will make for Dollars For Scholars and students and higher education.
And ultimately our country!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Consistency is Key
It's not about luck, or 'being in the right place at the right time', or having the right set of talents. It's all about consistency.
What that means is: what are you doing on a regular basis that will get you in the flow of producing the results you intend?
So, achieving consistent performance is not about working harder, practicing for longer or exposing yourself to an increasing number of concerts, auditions or competitions; rather it is about developing the mental toughness which will enable you to be a more resilient performer.
There is a joy is being able to get to the point of freeing yourself from the constraints of a particular discipline to go beyond what is known. that comes from practicing with awareness.
What do you want to go beyond your expectations of yourself?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Our Daily Prayers

I was taught to pray at bedtime at age 5. By age 6 that dropped out from our routine of going to bed. Many things changed so 'just go to bed' became the new standard practice.
I knew it was a good idea, to say my prayers at bed time, but didn't always remember to do it, and there was very little support around me to keep the practice.
I have no excuse now. I'm old enough to teach myself new daily practices.
So, why is it I don't consistently do the things that will support my emotional and spiritual growth? Where is the struggle?
I suspect it comes from the too many times I had people say: Who do you think you are? You think you are better than me?
I got that often as a kid and a young woman trying to focus and develop myself. My problem was I listened. I wanted to conform, be nice, be respectful.
l have heard I have the power within to do great things, to serve humanity's' deepest causes and be richly rewarded for that service.
It's choosing to practice daily tasks that allow the power within to cause miracles now. Not later, or someday, but now.
So, I've developed my daily prayers for todays fast lifestyle. Each time I pet my dogs I ask to be of service, each time I touch a door nob I say "I have the ability to do great things", and each time I'm walking the dogs I take a moment to breathe in the beauty of stillness.
These are my daily prayers.
Saturday, May 29, 2010

We learn of our genius through our longing and discontent.
What beckons us forward, what has us notice areas where we need growth, development, and courage.
Where is your longing?
What is your discontent?
Our genius comes to the surface when we see something we can give our life to to bring forth, resolve, make real.
What could you say yes to that you would give your life to?
All the power of seen and unseen forces will back you, then you will receive all that the world will provide.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Am I on track with my vision?

I began by asking myself this simple question. "Are my actions, thoughts, and behaviors on track with my vision?"
I got a simple answer. Too many times I allow myself to get off the path. I have a bad day, I get confused, I get involved in other projects that seem burning, I just don't want to.
Simple enough. Catch myself going down that tunnel and intervene.
Not always so simple.
But like all the smokers that quit smoking then go back to it, and quit again, and go back to it. It's a constant willingness to go back and start again.
Today I breathe, and focus again. Join me, on a quest to be the person we know we are, effective, focused, centered, and clear, will you?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
True Optimism
False or weak optimism is dependent on circumstances. "I'll be happy when..." "It will work out when..."
Or to be happy only when people agree with you, or give you ego strokes.
Nope, don't fall for that one.
Be optimistic no matter what!
"Success is going form failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill.
Monday, May 17, 2010
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Einstein.
Maybe we need to get back to honoring the sacred gift. How do you do that? You begin by taking the power pause. Pause each day to do nothing, to think nothing, to have no purpose, agenda, or mental to-do list. Just pause. Now for a time nothing much will happen, but be patient it will come. You inner guidance system will be allowed to speak to you.
Do this pause everyday. If you want to have your intuitive mind to grow. If not don't do it. Let it go, forget to do it, all sorts of things.
But if you are interested in a life unexplainable by it's enchantment, do the power pause.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Meditation, Intuition and Being

I have struggled with meditation for most of my life. I had a lot of complaints about it. Things like: I couldn't stop the constant voice in my head complaining, it was boring, why should I do this, I have other things tot do with my time than this. And on and on.
Things changed when I started to experience insomnia. I would wake up at 3:18 AM, and be awake! Just lay there and worry about the world falling apart. Nice huh?
Then I thought, well, I have all those meditation tapes, why not put them on my ipod and listen to that, maybe that will calm my worry voice long enough so I can go back to sleep.
It worked. I now practice meditation each day. Sometimes for just 5 minutes, but I practice.
Here is what I noticed, I'm seeing the world in it's entirety not just as me, my world, my ego. My ego is still there, but I have more moments of wholeness, of one with the world.
One of my mentors used to say: Be in the world not of the world.
More tomorrow on how meditation has helped my intuition.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Designing a new relationship to money
My mother was a confused and confusing woman. She was a product of a changing time, looking for someone else to guide her. I bare no grudge towards her. I have embraced she did the best she could with what she had.
But I had never sorted out that her emotional responses to money were imprinted in me. And now that I am a grown woman I have the desire to change my programming.
Sounds simple, but it takes more persistence and courage than I realized when I first chose to do so. The old thoughts and emotional habits are strong, and determined to survive.
Choosing the compassionate road is the best way to change. Generating compassion for all. Not just yourself, but all the newspapers, radio broadcasts, TV news, history, and family.
Again, this will be a part of my Money: Your Most Intimate Relationship" Teleseminar starting April 21 7:30 -9:00 PM PDT.
Send an email if you are interested:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Money Our Most Intimate Relationship
As I listen to what people say about money I hear how it causes the most stress, broken marriages, resigned dreams, fear, worry, doubt, elation, joy and confusion.
Coco Chanel said: There are people who have money, and people who are rich.
Maybe it doesn't have to be that way. Maybe, just maybe, we can design a relationship to money and resources that is one of fulfillment, sustainability, and abundance.
We work so hard to force nature to follow our rules. Nature has so much more imagination and creativity than we can realize. If we could learn to be present, we could explode our experience of money
We live in a world designed by imagination and fueled by thought.
I will be teaching a Tele-seminar on this topic starting April 21st. 7:30-9:00 PM PDT If you are interested, send me an email:
Friday, April 9, 2010
My Hero
18 years ago her daughter died, rather than let her daughters death be a dark hole of regret and despair, she chose to work for the children in her community.
She started her own chapter of a Dollars For Scholars called the Star Achievers. Her mission is to get kids through High School, and if they want to, to college.
On Tuesday nights she helps teach reading, Wednesday nights is math, and Thursday nights is helping seniors graduate filling in any gaps in their education to pass their test.
She raises funds by quilting, and selling her quilts. This is a picture of her with 2 of her quilts. As you can see they are beautiful. She even names them, the purple one is called "Casaba", and the Autumn colored one is called "Sitting Ladies".
She turned a tragic event into an opportunity. Yes, she is my hero
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Transformation Sunday

Today, in Western cultures, is Easter Sunday. It represents a transformation at our deepest level.
We have, perhaps, struggled through difficult times, and this day signals us to reveal the transformation of ourselves.
What does transformation really mean? It means the alteration from a caterpillar to a butterfly. We transform into something unrecognizable from what we were before.
That's how nature works. We transform into something at a greater level of awareness. Like when the first fish took to flight and birds were born, or when the first flower blossomed in a sea of plants.
Today celebrate your transformation.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Money Teleseminar: Connecting Life's Fulfillment to Money
Do any of these topics pique your interest...
- How to detach from your desire to manifest money when you
are desperate for money!
- Why you should welcome "mistakes!"
- Why every challenge you are facing is just an
"invitation" to learn.
- How to really believe that it is possible to be
financially abundant in this economy.
Starts April 21, 2010 7:30 PM PDT
contact: for details
Feeling Pinched?

Could be you are growing and developing new capacities. Growth, or expansion is never easy, and does not happen in a comfort zone. Growth requires examining habits of thought and being willing to release limiting beliefs.
How do you do that?
1) Have fun in the process, laugh, sing and play.
2). Align yourself with solution thinking. Let yourself 'see' and 'feel' the solution.
Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light bulb, used to take cat naps where he would 'go to the land of solution'. He would nap for 10-15 minutes a day, before he would nap he would ask: What is the solution to......(my task, my concern, my question)
He slept with a rock in his lap, when the rock slipped from his lap he would listen to the 'answer' and try it out.
We have this wonderful world of electricity because of him.
What could you accomplish if you allowed yourself to go to the land of solution?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Exciting Week, This Week

Kinda like a big game for an athlete.
I'm excited and calm all at the same time.
Of course it's Monday, and I've only begun, Wednesday will be the big 'test' if you will.
Tuesday will be prep day, reading documents, prepare, meditation, exercise, rest.
So today I get myself present to this moment. I breathe. I feel the air fill my lungs, and taste the air.
All day, I will bring myself to 'now' and enjoy.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Spiritual Power of Money
In our economic based world we live in, money is the foundation of our existence. It's sometimes hard for us to imagine, but this is a real freedom from the domination of the past where you had to pledge an oath to a person or religion to assure your survival. We are free to choose our religious practices, opinion of our leaders, and the path of our employment. Remember this is a big change from 100 years ago. But that does not change the nature of money, and it's spiritual power. Money is our core relationship, because it reveals what we believe about worth, deserving, abundance, sufficiency and scarcity. So it's a relationship that we need to honor, revere, and appreciate. Like a good marriage, you need to be in communication with money, need to appreciate it, praise the good things it does for you, and when you touch it let it feel your kind love. Sound crazy huh? Not really. People praise all sorts of things, why not praise the vehicle of our independence: money. In the Law if Increase it says, what ever you praise grows. Lets praise each dollar that comes into our hands and lovingly moves on the help others. |
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tune in your Intuition

Intuition has been defined as understanding without apparent effort.
Intuition is at the root of solving problems, heightening relationships, harvesting good health, and developing new sources of wealth.
But how does one go about 'tuning into' intuition?
Joseph Campbel suggested that you have a private space just for you, maybe it's a room, or a corner of a room, where you can listen to the music you like, even if other people say it's corny, or old fashioned. But what you start to experience is a sense of personal space for you to breathe and expand your spirit.
There was a man, Dr Elmer Gates, who had a room that he would go into and shut off all the lights and sit quietly and allow the solutions to the problem he was working on to emerge. Just so you can get a sense of the man: he had over 200 patents. Dr Gates got paid to 'sit for ideas' by individuals and corporations alike.
We don't just sit anymore. We are in a 'get it done' world. It's not practiced on a regular basis. But finding that place for you, that room, or time of day where you can allow your spirit to breathe, will bring to you ideas and knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of thought.
Take time each day to allow your intuition to awaken.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
It's all about how you look at it
George Bernard Shaw said "A life making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life doing nothing." We can be such a harsh society. Very judgmental., critical, and negative. Our newspapers constantly tell us what's wrong with us, celebrities and the world. Our television does the same. We get into the habit of doing the same to ourselves and our neighbors. It's like a game of hot potato, who gets left holding the failure stigma. And it seems we work very hard to hide out from the critical eyes of society. It takes the focus off our own foibles if we can point the finger at someone else. And it cripples our creativity, self-expression, and motivation. But what if we viewed the world through eyes dedicated to turning mistakes into stepping stones? What if we could see any mistake or failure as a chance for greater good to emerge. Because it's what you do when you get back up that counts. |
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Balance Comes From the Inside Not the Outside

I got two calls yesterday.
One from a friend that is working diligently to get me a new job. She has connected me with many people, and set up informal interviews. She called to tell me she has set up an interview with the HR department with the Non-Profit Company so we can take the next steps to get me in the new position. Just so you understand my concern I'm facing with the job she is trying to connect me with is time: I need a job now. Her job might not come through until July.
The next call was from a Temp agency that cancelled my interview for today and told me they would not work with me in finding me a job. That I was unacceptable.
What complete opposites. I watched my emotions zig zag. And I finally understood, like in my bones understood: balance comes from the inside, not the outside.
Circumstances will come and go, but my response to them is what counts.
I know we've been told this many times, but I still react, I still get upset when it feels like I'm struggling to get a good paying job, or to get my career going in the direction I want. Or to pay my bills.
Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich says: "You have the natural and inherent power to think what you want to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances."
"...far more effort" No kidding.
I've been taught to be a people-pleaser, to be the good girl. So to go against that and get my strength from within, not to look without but within. That will take building a new set of muscles. One not found in the gym.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Breaking the Scarcity Habit
I was a smoker way back in High School. And when cigarettes went from 30-50 cents a pack I told myself, "I'm not paying that" and I stopped smoking. Of course I had challenges, but I was determined not to pay $0.50 a pack!
I was also a vicious nail biter, and right before I graduated from college I just told myself to stop, and did.
I also got married by choosing to be finished with this single life of mine.
My question to myself becomes: is there a difference in creating income? Can I use my higher thoughts to create income, just as I used my higher thoughts to stop smoking, stop nail biting, and find the man of my dreams?
There is something very similar in all of these things, and that is this: what I choose to think about and my reactions.
I determine my reactions, no one else; I do. I can get upset or not, I can remain focused and choose the path I want my life to proceed upon, or allow the circumstances to dictate.
It takes persistence. The same way stopping smoking did, persistence to a vision, a dream, a goal.
So, I'm so done with the scarcity level of thinking that has been programed into me since birth. I choose an abundant life.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Celebrate Each Step
They have the answer; and they will now tell me. Sometimes I just want them to calm down a bit.
I have begun to take a different path, I have become curious. I ask deeper questions of myself.
I realize that the road to fulfillment is lined with challenges, road blocks, stop signs, U turns, and yield signs.
It is never a straight path in life. That's the fun. That is the part where we, as a country and a civilization, need to grow most especially.
The ability to choose fun and playfulness in the tough times, the demands, the times when you think 'I can't do this' any longer.
We have spent energy making sure that the corners of life are rounded, we seem to be trying to eliminate the bumps of life. So that no one gets hurt, I assume. That's like trying to squeeze a balloon; not a good idea.
Instead we might consider celebrating challenges, welcome them, embrace the sharp pointy edges of life. And ask; like a good scientist or inventor, the questions that encourage growth, not stifle it.
Encouragement comes from celebrating each move, regardless of the circumstances. Celebrate the love you have, the money you have, the health you have, then ask; what's next?
I began asking that 'what's next' question joyfully, expectantly, with unexpected enchanting results in mind. And it makes me laugh, lifts my heart, and makes me smile.
If you try this on, tell me your results, I would love to hear from you. ;)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"The truth is simple, if it were complicated then everyone would know it." Unknown
Our world seem to be getting more and more complicated. One path to inner peace is to simplify your life.
I ask myself: how much do I really need? how much is enough? what do I really need?
Sometimes I've found that when I simplify my life, pare down, eliminate the extras, I'm actually happier, freer, and more centered.
So, why all the focus of getting stuff and more stuff? I think it's easier to get stuff than to develop yourself.
It's easier to buy something than to go to the gym, or read a book, or volunteer. It's just the easy path.
The simple path is the more challenging one. But by far the more rewarding one.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Everything I Need is Alreay Here
I was on my morning inspirational call. My buddy on the call stopped me in my rant about money, and said: 'Repeat after me; Everything I need is already here". She said it over and over. Maybe that's the best thing that affirmations give us, a chance to stop the pre-programed, preconceived ideas of how our parents and the media have told us how life works. Where do we get all these notions of scarcity and lack and limitation? I think because we repeat and hear it so often. Commercials declare we need to 'act now' or forever lose this opportunity. It's how we are manipulated. Maybe what affirmations do for us, really, is to allow us to open our eyes to how the laws of our world really work. To awaken ourselves to what we already have and build on a foundation of limitless bounty. Wow, just that would create such a change on a cellular level, we might be able to breathe fully again! |
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ever Fell Like Quiting?
Ever feel like this is not it?
I do today.
I am up for 2 jobs and they look like they just wont happen fast enough.
And I'm looking at my past, and think: no one gave me any referrals, maybe I suck. Maybe I'm really no good.
Ever feel like this?
I do today.
I do today
Quiet Moments
And I give thanks that I get these moments. It is at this moment that I see myself, for lack of a better term, winning. I see myself making that difference with the people I want to connect with, or I see myself getting that big check, or feeling good in my body and knowing I look it.
It's a great moment. I'm talking to every cell in my body, telling it what I want, what I need, and what I desire.
That is how I've accomplished every one of my goals. I gave myself permission to fantasize, to dream. I can't tell you how many people berated me for this kind of being. But truth is; each time I purposefully dreamed, I've accomplished that which I dreamed.
Try it yourself, at least you will give yourself a moment of beauty, and you could reach your dream.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Personal Tramnsformation = Global Transformation

I study everyday. About 30 minutes each day. I study many books and lectures, films, well all sorts of things.
And one thing has become perfectly clear: to transform the world, I can start with me.
What do I mean by transform? I mean altering my prospective, cultivating an open mind, be responsible for my actions and thoughts, focusing on what I want, not on what I don't want, honoring myself and others and believe that the seemingly impossible can become possible.
The world is perfect as it is, and I take simple steps today, to develop my transformation.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Speaking Engagement March 20, 2010

I will be speaking at the Manhattan Beach Brand of AAUW. I will be the at the March meeting. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to speak. I will be doing my "Winner to Champion, or how to make the seemingly impossible possible"
It is a great talk about the shift in perception we can all take to create for ourselves a championship life.
It's not about doing more, or overworking ourselves, it's about being a person of balance, style and elegance.
The talk will be at The Lakes golf club on Sepulveda Ave in El Segundo, brunch will be served. Time: 10 am - Noon.
cost $15.00.
Any of you in the area, please come. ;)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Living on Purpose

We hear a lot today about a life of purpose. Or we need to be passionate about our life. And that can cause discomfort and concern for many. We wonder, well, what is my purpose? What is my passion, What is passion?
There are three easy steps to get yourself in alignment with your purpose. I think you discover your purpose as you live your life. Now some are lucky they seem to 'know' their purpose at an early age. My great Aunt Mary Downey, knew at age 10 she would be a musician, her choice was either singing or piano. However, music was clear.
Maybe you have many interests and talents so to chose one gives you a constricted feeling.
So, I'm not here to dictate to you you need to choose your purpose, but I can give you guidelines for you to engage in that will lead you to a path for you to discover your purpose.
First relax. Allow yourself to get in the flow of life, let yourself be guided to people and places and things that will be in alignment with who you are. and allow that transformation to take place in you. I'm not talking about the uncomfortable or fearful transformation. You do not need to walk on hot coals for this. Breathe, and feel yourself connected to the spiritual side of you.
Next trust. Trust that whatever is in your life now is a perfect expression of what you need to get you closer to your purpose. Even if it looks crazy. Everything in your life contributes to your growth. Accept it and trust that you are on the right path. Trust leads you to gratitude, and gratitude will give you everything you will ever need.
Next be of service. Serve others, be with them, if it's your children, your parents, friends, or the noisy neighbor, be with them. Connect and be of service. that open up the deep buckets of wealth on this planet.
And here is a bonus: ask to be guided to your purpose. Ask each day to be guided, and lead to your higher good, and thank that the path will be the perfect expression of your development.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Nothing Beats Momentum
The definition of momentum is: the strength gained by motion or the development of events.
Normally we get discouraged and stop our commitment to something long before it can gain the power of momentum.
Momentum can add to your financial security, health, relationships, and most importantly development as a human being.
Just by studying for 30 minutes a day, studying any of the many personal development courses, you can set yourself on a path of power, fulfillment, and success beyond your current level of dreaming.
This has happened for me. Four years ago I began a personal growth commitment. I began with reading and studying "The Science of Getting Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich". When I started I was miserable with my life. I felt I was on a path of being a victim of my circumstances.
I knew I needed to change but I did not know how or where to begin. Then I watched "The Secret" and I thought, Okay, here is something I can give a shot."
That started me on a path that today I am just beginning to realize how powerful my choice was.
The smallest step, if you keep taking them, can take you to the top of Everest.
If you have questions as to where to start, just contact me. Get yourself on a path of your personal growth.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Your magic

We have magic within us waiting to be tapped, waiting to be released. Actually longing for it.
All the great leaders from every walk of life for the last 6000 years of recorded history; religious, political, spiritual, financial, scientists, mathematicians, writers, artists, have argued about everything except this one point: man becomes what he thinks about over and over.
That is both our weakness and ultimately our greatest strength. We have within us magic. No kidding magic.
We need to discipline ourselves to think, to see what it is we desire, and exclude all negative thoughts of doubt and worry.
I have to catch myself having negative thoughts, which will lead to negative emotions and then negative actions = negative results.
The magic is communicating with that inner resource we all have called your sub-conscious mind, the seat of all power. The seat of all talent, drive, ambition, and life force. YOU!
So stand before your mirror each day and begin to love that person in the mirror, love the wrinkles, the hair or lack of it, the extra weight, or too thin arms, love each cell in your body and give it the mission to guide you towards your best life ever!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1996 Everst Storm

In 1996 there was a freak 2 day storm that swept over the mountain, taking with it 8 lives. That was a horrible loss for 2 days, the largest recorded ever.
But there were some amazing stories of resilience, fortitude, courage, character and not giving up.
A story we can learn from in today's negative conversations and attitudes about our country, our government, and our world.
When I watch documentaries on the Everest disaster, I am inspired. I weep for the courage it took to keep going in the face of all around you not believing in the power of the human mind and spirit.
Watch Frontlines: the Storm Over Everest, or IMAX's Everest and view the special features on the DVD. Read Beck Weathers book: "Left For Dead".
Give yourself the gift of being inspired.
Yes there is loss, and sadness, but there is also that part of us that is bigger than any circumstance, obstacle, person or situation that tries to stop us.
Believe in that.
Monday, February 15, 2010
5 Questions to ask to get in the flow of life

The more I study the more I am awed by the power each of us holds within.
I watch stories of survivors of natural disasters, or illness, or seemingly dire circumstances. The human mind is a powerhouse of abilities and we don't even use 1/10th of it. What can happen if we focus and start to use 1/12th?
So the question becomes how do I begin to use 2% more?
Ask question that get you in the natural flow of life.
Here are five deceptively easy ones that can get you on a more creative path.
What is it that is allowing me to create meaning in my life?
We are meaning beings. Meaning gives us juice, passion and purpose. so to ask what gives meaning will give you more energy and focus.
Why is that magical for me?
Why does that give you a sense of magic? power? excitement?
Who will help me create this masterpiece?
Who are the people that have the same interests? Or maybe they don't know it yet but you can be the catalyst for them to see themselves in your vision?
When will the milestones become clear for me?
Often times we cant see how we will cause our dreams to happen so we give up. But what about just seeing the first few steps and trusting that the next ones will be revealed?
How will I make this memorable for me and my community?
Having memorable life is what we all want. So how will taking on this desire for ourselves be meaningful? How will doing this feed you when times get tough, and they will, that's how you know you are on the right path, because you are being challenged, developed. And growth has strains. duh. So don't worry about that, just find the memories and keep going.
Hope this helps. It has helped me.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Elegant Simple Solutions

gosh we love to make things complex and difficult.
Perhaps we get hypnotized by the many attempts by businesses and governments to dazzle us with intellect, or the overpower with information.
What gets lost is that simple solutions takes time to work through. When I'm offered a complex solution I know that the person hasn't gone the extra mile to work through to the clear and elegant result.
It's our misconception of simple that sets up a assumption the it was hastily thrown together, not thought out completely.
A true elegant simple solution is amazing to behold, easily grasped and applied by all.
That's what we want to create. That's whats next for all of us.
Monday, February 8, 2010
"How Primitave"

It seemed for years modern societies judge harshly how seemingly backward civilizations live. How they teach their children to function in the society, their rituals, myths, and daily practices.
And we go in there and attempt to modernize them. usually destroying the very fabric of the society while we upgrade them.
And we justify this behavior by saying 'how primitive' they behave, or are.
I was reading a story about a Western doctor that worked in Ecuador for 2 years, he noticed that in the area of sex, an elder would take a teenager and teach them positive sexual techniques, how to please themselves and the partner. The standard practice was to have sex in nature, that the being in nature helps heighten the experience for both.
The doctor remarked on the practice, the elder asked, "How does your society learn about sex" the doctor replied, 'Usually 2 teenagers get in the back seat of a car and fumble their way through it"
The elder replied "How Primitive".
No kidding, I thought.
Many of our modern practices are just that primitive, we have lost our connections to each other as humans, as spiritual beings.
I ask myself, 'what can I do today to better connect myself to my world in a nurturing, and positive way'
Maybe just that will help bring back some of the primitive ways lost.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
If You Dare to be a Poet
George Eliot said it best: “To be a poet is to have a soul so quick to discern, that no shade of quality escapes it, and so quick to feel, that discernment is but a hand playing with finely ordered variety on the chords of emotion—a soul in which knowledge passes instantaneously into feeling, and feeling flashes back as a new organ of knowledge.”
Life may be crowded,
but if you dare to be a poet,
It is daring us to be ourselves, in a world that asks for conformity, and compliance.
Writer G. Eliot also pokes us: Its never too late to be who you might have been.
That gives us hope, hope that we can become who we know deep down we are.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Mentors are different than Coaches

Coaches are great people. Most of them. They can bring teams together, have a group of individuals work as a unit. They provide focus, clarity, and vision. However, they do not play the game with you. They sit on the side line and watch and judge.
Mentors are different. Mentors are in the game with you, they do not sit on the sidelines, they are right along side of you, playing the complicated game of life.
The most important people in my life were mentors, not coaches. My mentors were amazing people, had no judgements of how I should or shouldn't behave, had no preconceived notion of how things should work out. they were committed people in the trenches with me.
Coaches are easy to find. Way too many people call themselves a coach. But where are the mentors?
We need a lot more mentors and less coaches.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thinking big

There is a remarkable difference between people who think big, and the rest of us. I woke up this morning realizing that I tend to think small.
Even when I 'feel' I'm thinking big, it's just disguised small thinking fantasizing of big things.
I've worked along side of people that think big, they tend to threaten the masses just walking in the room. I remember when a new manager came in our office one day, and my office mate sitting next to me said, "We are in trouble now".
And he was right in many ways, our comfortable slow working pace needed to change, our energy needed to upgrade. He fought it tooth and nail, and ultimately left the office. I think it was his small thinking that had him unwilling to shift gears.
And thinking big is a matter of shifting gears. Nothing else is as important than shifting gears to big thinking.
What we think is something each of us has control over. We really can determine how and what we think. We can choose our thoughts. We can change the automatic ramblings of our mind. It takes focus and persistence.
That is the challenging part. What I do is find people that inspire me, and follow their lead.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
With so much good, why do we focus on bad?

I've been hearing about different agencies doing remarkable work in the world. Building homes, schools, hospitals, creating clean drinking water, to name just a few.
And I wondered, if we are doing all this good work in the world, why don't we hear more about that? Why do we always hear about the latest murder, scandal, financial collapse, or scam?
With all the seminars, workshops, weekend retreats, giving us some of the most valuable information on living a fulfilled, creative, productive life, what the heck is going on on our world?
With all the beauty, music, art, love,and freedom; what has us keep dwelling in the drama?
What is really going on there? Really. Let's tell the truth about our world, how it is working in more harmony than ever experienced. Yes, of course we've got work to do, yes we need to rethink lots of ways in which we finance, use resources, distribute goods and services, yes of course that needs improvement.
But to constantly focus and be fed how bad things are....needs to shift.
If what we focus on get bigger, what we put our attention to builds, maybe we need to begin to focus on the good, and make that bigger.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Dogs Understand Abundance

My dogs understand the true nature of abundance. For them all is good and all is available. There is no scarcity, lack, worry, doubt.
It's our left-brained thinking that gets us into trouble with the worry of lack and limitation. Left-brained thoughts are very judgemental, critical, and opinion based. If you wonder if you have left brain thinking just listen to your little voice in you head and hear the running commentary of what should be happening, what needs to happen and how fast it needs to work.
Please do not get me wrong, we need left brain thinking. Otherwise we would never remember how to tie our shoes.
However right brain thinking is where our creative juices flow. It has to do with color, sound, movement and the present moment.
If you want to get access to the abundance that my dogs feel every day, take a big breath in, deeply breathe in from your toes, and slowly release it out.
That calming moment is being present to now. And now is essentially all there is.
That's what my dogs do, just be with now, in all it's abundance, and glory.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Inner and Outer Critics

When I was in first grade, I think I was 5. I had a painting in the Minneapolis Museum of Art. It was part of a project in all the schools of the Twin Cities to hang young artists works. Thousands of works of art from all the schools were submitted, and from all age groups. Mine was chosen to represent the First Graders.
There is a picture of me, somewhere, pointing to my painting on the wall of the museum. Big proud smile on my face.
Well, then my family life changed dramatically, divorce, scandal, shame, and my art lessons were dropped.
I could go on and on about the raw deal I got, but what I see now is that the society that was so harsh in it's judgement of me and my family could have driven me to deeper in art. As it did with many writers, poets, musicians and artists.
More importantly, I listened to the outer critics of my family and of myself. Those outer critics began to become my inner critic. I have found the inner critic is hardest to ignore, let go, and free oneself from.
It's not what others think about me that matters, it's what I think of me.
That might just be a life long goal, to accept me, and stand for me, in the face of all contrary evidence.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Guided Meditation

Each Friday morning I facilitate a guided meditation. It's a conference call number and I guide callers on expanding your abundance.
I guide people through relaxing and balancing their bodies and then we take a mental journey to what I call their Sacred Spot. A place just for you to design and be.
I love my Sacred Spot. and when I am designing something for myself, like a new commitment, a new career, more money, I place myself in that spot and picture the things I want in my life there.
My Sacred Spot is an island that has beaches, woods, and mountains. So I get it all. :)
I can walk along the sandy beaches and listen to the surf, I can walk in the woods and hear the birds, and smell the deep rich smell of plants, or I can sit atop the mountains and view the world.
What is your Sacred Spot? Do you have one? Take a moment today and design your Sacred Spot. What you put into it will come back 'twelve fold'.
Monday, January 25, 2010
"April showers bring May flowers"

There is an old song about rain:
Though April showers
May come your way,
They bring the flowers
That bloom in May;
And if it's raining,
Have no regrets;
Because, it isn't raining rain, you know,
It's raining violets.
And when you see clouds
Upon the hill,
You soon will see crowds
Of daffodils;
So keep on looking for the bluebird,
And listening for his song,
Whenever April showers come along.
My best friend and I would sing this song as we walked home from school when it would rain. (And it could rain in Minnesota)
I was living such a sad childhood, I would listen to the lyrics that we sang and trust that happier days were just around the corner for me too, just like the flowers that bloomed after a rain storm.
And each time I face tough times, or sad times, I think of this song. I think of my best friend Linda, and how we would walk together, talk, and share that time. She was my salvation in those years.
I guess that's where we experience the silver lining in each cloud. Each bad time, each discouraging experience, there is something that helps us get through it. And God love Linda, she was mine for many years.
Linda passed from cancer in 1996. She lives with me forever in this song.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Reading "Think and Grow Rich" daily

This is a picture of me and Bob Proctor at my training three years ago. I was awarded my LifeSuccess license at this picture. :)
Bob Proctor was the one that got me to start reading Napoleon Hill's masterpiece, "Think and Grow Rich". He reads it everyday. And he has done so since 1961. Oh yeah, the guy is quite wealthy, his marriage works, and he gives back to the community.
I have taught classes using the book, and have read it several times, and I've also got the recording of the book, and listen to it in my car occasionally.
But in December 2009, my friend and I gave ourselves a challenge, "Lets read through the entire book aloud each day for 30 minutes." Wow! The book has come alive in ways I never imagined.
Today we read about the genesis of United States Steel Corporation. I've read that chapter many times, and it was okay, but not inspirational. Today I got what Mr Hill was saying. That faith, not the faith I was taught in church, but real faith, builds ideas into fruition. Faith is believing in something no one else does. Faith gives vision, clarity, persistence, and hope.
I intend to build my faith muscle. Society has been so kind to help me build my resignation muscle, it's time for me to build faith.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rain, and more rain
And in LA style it's done big.
Los Angeles is the town of Big and Abundance. Big movie stars, big blockbuster movies, big TV shows, big signs that say "HOLLYWOOD". It's the town dedicated to bigger is better.
And when we have weather, it's done big. So I sit here in my living room watching the storms move across the sky, big dark rumbling clouds poised to let loose.
Today, form 11-1 pm one deluge let loose. It's now 7 pm and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and watch the second deluge. The thunder and lightening have just signaled the next drop.
Well, nothing yet, but I am hopeful. I love rain, and big storms...are the best.
Rain is all about cleaning. Purifying. And for going within. To take time and withdraw and go within yourself. Meditate, calm down, renew your spirit.
A rainy day is perfect for that. And a rainy day in LA is all about renewal.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I Love This Picture

I love this picture of my dog Mace when he was 4 months old. First of all he is small! He is not small at this time. He's a big guy. 100 pounds of a big guy. But in this picture he is the little pup we brought home just 3 weeks prior.
Secondly, I love the picture because he is not letting a fence get in his way of being exuberant.
Mace does things full out. He eats happily, sleeps soundly (snoring optional), he's always excited to see me, even if all I did was walk to the mail box and return.
Nothing gets in his way of full self-expression.
Yesterday we had a rain storm, complete with lightening and thunder. Mace had never experienced thunder before, not knowing what it was he went into protect Mom mode.
He stood between me and the door, perhaps thinking there were some intruders pounding on the walls trying to get at me. In his world that 's just not gonna happen. Again, nothing gets between him and his self-expression. He does things fully or not at all.
I do admire that and hope to take on more of his ways of being in my life.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Living in Flow
Out of taking this project on, I have a clearer vision of what I desire in my life. It has been great. And to settle for just a job, seems such a diminishment of my talents.
I am so programed by my society that a 'job' is the highest form of achievement. It's safe when you have a job; you have a safe income.
We've been taught to be good consumers, good repeaters of information, but not taught to develop habits of thinking that will develop our faculties for advancement. We are not taught to "Think and Grow Rich".
We are taught conformity is more important than life itself. Why is that?
I am developing a year program of living in the flow and abundance of life, not this resistance we have set ourselves upon. It's time to take the lid off.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Martin Luther King Jr Day

Martin Luther King Jr Day is dream day.
He lived a life of dream,not merely for himself, but for the world.
He changed from a man of anger and violence, to a peaceful resistance to any injustice.
I can learn from his life. Not merely the greatness, but from the transformation of himself from anger to peaceful demonstration of change.
Where can I apply his life to mine? Where can I offer peaceful confidence that what I dream is here now?
A question worth living.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sick Today

I've been changing my diet.
I've lessened my coffee intake to 1/2 cup a day, and I've added Green Tea instead.
Well, that has unleashed any blockage in my intestines previously.
It felt like I had food poisoning. But none of the people that ate with me Friday night got sick at all.
So all I can figure is the change of coffee to green tea. I realize coffee can be harsh, but I had no idea.
So, I've been 'driving the porcelain bus', as they say.
I'll chalk this up to detoxing. :)
The dogs are worried about me, and follow me to the bathroom. They don't seem to mind the odor. lol
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Dinner With Friends

Every other Friday night we get together with a group of friends. It's quite a collection; our 2 dogs, between 2-5 children ages 3-8, 3 married couples and 3 single people.
It's refreshing, enjoyable, and amazingly revitalizing. There are a few crabby and complaining personalities, and it is amazing to watch them lighten up, let go of the complaints, and genuinely smile.
Just that alone has me want to do it every week.
I think there is something to be said for gathering regularly. The consistency of it builds a bond. We have watched each of us get married, have children, one divorce, grow, age, and go up and down on our diets and work out programs.
And we will be there through it all.
My intention is one of growth. I see us really moving towards our goals, our purpose, and passions.
My love and affection are for these people.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The camel, the lion and the dragon

We start out as camels, evolve to become lions and then must slay our dragons.
The camel is born and asks to be made strong, so there are many bags placed on his back, the bags are burdens; the rules of living. Each bag says 'thou shalt'.
The more the burdens the stronger the lions we become. The lion is born out of the camel when the camel has had one too many burden placed on his back and his back is broken, out of the ashes of the camel a lion emerges. The lion bolts throwing off all burdens.
The lion runs into the woods to be confronted by the dragon. The lion must slay the dragon, and on each of the scales on the dragons skin is written 'thou shalt'. Each of the rules of living the camel had placed on his back.
When the lion has slayed the dragon, he becomes a child. The child has now accepted the rules of living and thrown off the the inner demons that constrict. The child represents new beginnings, inner wisdom and resources.
This is how life works in any area. We learn the rules of selling, or music, or art, and then we must throw off these rules to become the artist, or the expert in our field, the master of our fate.
We all need to be tamed, like the camel, and learn the rules of living in society. But then we must go through the stage of throwing off the rules and become a full person, not being driven by the conformity of society.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wealth Consciousness

I read everyday.
I read (aloud) with my friend in Vancouver WA each morning at 7 am. Currently we are reading from the book. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Personally, the book has come alive by reading it out loud with someone. And I thank my friend each day for doing this with me.
Hearing that book allows me to keep considering that I have everything I need around me, I'm just not open to see, or hear it, yet.
And I've asked myself, "What will it take for me to awaken myself to be more in alignment with Wealth Consciousness?"
I believe, given all the people that have brought themselves up from ghettos, desperate poverty, and situations, that yes we all have the power within to overcome any circumstances.
It takes developing awareness. Not a simple task, not a direct one, nor is it particularly appreciated in our society. It seems we wish that we all stay 'asleep' at the wheel.
So to go against the grain and develop a Wealth Consciousness can be a formidable task. Even in this financially obsessed world we live in Wealth Consciousness is not what we are experiencing.
Wealth consciousness is about desire, joy, pursuing your bliss, as Joseph Campbell says.
And that can be threatening stuff to the status quo.
Yeah, I've finally got nothing to lose. I'll develop my wealth consciousness.