Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Your magic

We have magic within us waiting to be tapped, waiting to be released. Actually longing for it.

All the great leaders from every walk of life for the last 6000 years of recorded history; religious, political, spiritual, financial, scientists, mathematicians, writers, artists, have argued about everything except this one point: man becomes what he thinks about over and over.

That is both our weakness and ultimately our greatest strength. We have within us magic. No kidding magic.

We need to discipline ourselves to think, to see what it is we desire, and exclude all negative thoughts of doubt and worry.

I have to catch myself having negative thoughts, which will lead to negative emotions and then negative actions = negative results.

The magic is communicating with that inner resource we all have called your sub-conscious mind, the seat of all power. The seat of all talent, drive, ambition, and life force. YOU!

So stand before your mirror each day and begin to love that person in the mirror, love the wrinkles, the hair or lack of it, the extra weight, or too thin arms, love each cell in your body and give it the mission to guide you towards your best life ever!

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