Monday, January 25, 2010

"April showers bring May flowers"

There is an old song about rain:

Though April showers
May come your way,
They bring the flowers
That bloom in May;
And if it's raining,
Have no regrets;
Because, it isn't raining rain, you know,
It's raining violets.
And when you see clouds
Upon the hill,
You soon will see crowds
Of daffodils;
So keep on looking for the bluebird,
And listening for his song,
Whenever April showers come along.

My best friend and I would sing this song as we walked home from school when it would rain. (And it could rain in Minnesota)

I was living such a sad childhood, I would listen to the lyrics that we sang and trust that happier days were just around the corner for me too, just like the flowers that bloomed after a rain storm.

And each time I face tough times, or sad times, I think of this song. I think of my best friend Linda, and how we would walk together, talk, and share that time. She was my salvation in those years.

I guess that's where we experience the silver lining in each cloud. Each bad time, each discouraging experience, there is something that helps us get through it. And God love Linda, she was mine for many years.

Linda passed from cancer in 1996. She lives with me forever in this song.

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