Friday, August 27, 2010

The Moment is Beautiful

I realize I got tired of being manipulated.

I got tired of sales pitches promising me that if I acted now, and only now, my life would finally be....well, better.

I got tired of being told that times were hard, and nobody could ever make money in these economic times.

I got tired of being told I was wrong in some way, too fat, old, unskilled, imperfect.

I just got tired of struggling.

And so I stopped, and listened.

And the moment was beautiful. Just as it was, just as I was.

It was like giving myself a no calorie fudge Sunday or New York Cheesecake. It was delicious.

It didn't last, that moment. But neither do the hard moments. That was the realization. To allow each moment to pass, and roam free. To release the moments, not cling to the good or bad ones. But allow each moment to inform.

That takes listening. As Joseph Campbell says, We are the ears of the universe, the eyes, and consciousness of our world.

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