Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living in Flow

I started this blog a few months ago in the experiment of 'getting a new job'

Out of taking this project on, I have a clearer vision of what I desire in my life. It has been great. And to settle for just a job, seems such a diminishment of my talents.

I am so programed by my society that a 'job' is the highest form of achievement. It's safe when you have a job; you have a safe income.

We've been taught to be good consumers, good repeaters of information, but not taught to develop habits of thinking that will develop our faculties for advancement. We are not taught to "Think and Grow Rich".

We are taught conformity is more important than life itself. Why is that?

I am developing a year program of living in the flow and abundance of life, not this resistance we have set ourselves upon. It's time to take the lid off.

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