Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Balance Comes From the Inside Not the Outside

I got two calls yesterday.

One from a friend that is working diligently to get me a new job. She has connected me with many people, and set up informal interviews. She called to tell me she has set up an interview with the HR department with the Non-Profit Company so we can take the next steps to get me in the new position. Just so you understand my concern I'm facing with the job she is trying to connect me with is time: I need a job now. Her job might not come through until July.

The next call was from a Temp agency that cancelled my interview for today and told me they would not work with me in finding me a job. That I was unacceptable.


What complete opposites. I watched my emotions zig zag. And I finally understood, like in my bones understood: balance comes from the inside, not the outside.

Circumstances will come and go, but my response to them is what counts.

I know we've been told this many times, but I still react, I still get upset when it feels like I'm struggling to get a good paying job, or to get my career going in the direction I want. Or to pay my bills.

Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich says: "You have the natural and inherent power to think what you want to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances."

"...far more effort" No kidding.

I've been taught to be a people-pleaser, to be the good girl. So to go against that and get my strength from within, not to look without but within. That will take building a new set of muscles. One not found in the gym.

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