Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dinner With Friends

Every other Friday night we get together with a group of friends. It's quite a collection; our 2 dogs, between 2-5 children ages 3-8, 3 married couples and 3 single people.

It's refreshing, enjoyable, and amazingly revitalizing. There are a few crabby and complaining personalities, and it is amazing to watch them lighten up, let go of the complaints, and genuinely smile.

Just that alone has me want to do it every week.

I think there is something to be said for gathering regularly. The consistency of it builds a bond. We have watched each of us get married, have children, one divorce, grow, age, and go up and down on our diets and work out programs.

And we will be there through it all.

My intention is one of growth. I see us really moving towards our goals, our purpose, and passions.

My love and affection are for these people.

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