Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Everything I Need is Alreay Here

I was on my morning inspirational call. My buddy on the call stopped me in my rant about money, and said: 'Repeat after me; Everything I need is already here". She said it over and over.

Maybe that's the best thing that affirmations give us, a chance to stop the pre-programed, preconceived ideas of how our parents and the media have told us how life works.

Where do we get all these notions of scarcity and lack and limitation?

I think because we repeat and hear it so often. Commercials declare we need to 'act now' or forever lose this opportunity. It's how we are manipulated.

Maybe what affirmations do for us, really, is to allow us to open our eyes to how the laws of our world really work. To awaken ourselves to what we already have and build on a foundation of limitless bounty.

Wow, just that would create such a change on a cellular level, we might be able to breathe fully again!

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