Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain, and more rain

It's raining here in LA.

And in LA style it's done big.

Los Angeles is the town of Big and Abundance. Big movie stars, big blockbuster movies, big TV shows, big signs that say "HOLLYWOOD". It's the town dedicated to bigger is better.

And when we have weather, it's done big. So I sit here in my living room watching the storms move across the sky, big dark rumbling clouds poised to let loose.

Today, form 11-1 pm one deluge let loose. It's now 7 pm and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and watch the second deluge. The thunder and lightening have just signaled the next drop.

Well, nothing yet, but I am hopeful. I love rain, and big storms...are the best.

Rain is all about cleaning. Purifying. And for going within. To take time and withdraw and go within yourself. Meditate, calm down, renew your spirit.

A rainy day is perfect for that. And a rainy day in LA is all about renewal.

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