Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love This Picture

I love this picture of my dog Mace when he was 4 months old. First of all he is small! He is not small at this time. He's a big guy. 100 pounds of a big guy. But in this picture he is the little pup we brought home just 3 weeks prior.

Secondly, I love the picture because he is not letting a fence get in his way of being exuberant.

Mace does things full out. He eats happily, sleeps soundly (snoring optional), he's always excited to see me, even if all I did was walk to the mail box and return.

Nothing gets in his way of full self-expression.

Yesterday we had a rain storm, complete with lightening and thunder. Mace had never experienced thunder before, not knowing what it was he went into protect Mom mode.

He stood between me and the door, perhaps thinking there were some intruders pounding on the walls trying to get at me. In his world that 's just not gonna happen. Again, nothing gets between him and his self-expression. He does things fully or not at all.

I do admire that and hope to take on more of his ways of being in my life.

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