Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thinking big

There is a remarkable difference between people who think big, and the rest of us. I woke up this morning realizing that I tend to think small.

Even when I 'feel' I'm thinking big, it's just disguised small thinking fantasizing of big things.

I've worked along side of people that think big, they tend to threaten the masses just walking in the room. I remember when a new manager came in our office one day, and my office mate sitting next to me said, "We are in trouble now".
And he was right in many ways, our comfortable slow working pace needed to change, our energy needed to upgrade. He fought it tooth and nail, and ultimately left the office. I think it was his small thinking that had him unwilling to shift gears.

And thinking big is a matter of shifting gears. Nothing else is as important than shifting gears to big thinking.

What we think is something each of us has control over. We really can determine how and what we think. We can choose our thoughts. We can change the automatic ramblings of our mind. It takes focus and persistence.

That is the challenging part. What I do is find people that inspire me, and follow their lead.

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