Saturday, February 20, 2010

Living on Purpose

We hear a lot today about a life of purpose. Or we need to be passionate about our life. And that can cause discomfort and concern for many. We wonder, well, what is my purpose? What is my passion, What is passion?

There are three easy steps to get yourself in alignment with your purpose. I think you discover your purpose as you live your life. Now some are lucky they seem to 'know' their purpose at an early age. My great Aunt Mary Downey, knew at age 10 she would be a musician, her choice was either singing or piano. However, music was clear.

Maybe you have many interests and talents so to chose one gives you a constricted feeling.

So, I'm not here to dictate to you you need to choose your purpose, but I can give you guidelines for you to engage in that will lead you to a path for you to discover your purpose.

First relax. Allow yourself to get in the flow of life, let yourself be guided to people and places and things that will be in alignment with who you are. and allow that transformation to take place in you. I'm not talking about the uncomfortable or fearful transformation. You do not need to walk on hot coals for this. Breathe, and feel yourself connected to the spiritual side of you.

Next trust. Trust that whatever is in your life now is a perfect expression of what you need to get you closer to your purpose. Even if it looks crazy. Everything in your life contributes to your growth. Accept it and trust that you are on the right path. Trust leads you to gratitude, and gratitude will give you everything you will ever need.

Next be of service. Serve others, be with them, if it's your children, your parents, friends, or the noisy neighbor, be with them. Connect and be of service. that open up the deep buckets of wealth on this planet.

And here is a bonus: ask to be guided to your purpose. Ask each day to be guided, and lead to your higher good, and thank that the path will be the perfect expression of your development.

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