Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Daily Prayers

I was taught to pray at bedtime at age 5. By age 6 that dropped out from our routine of going to bed. Many things changed so 'just go to bed' became the new standard practice.

I knew it was a good idea, to say my prayers at bed time, but didn't always remember to do it, and there was very little support around me to keep the practice.

I have no excuse now. I'm old enough to teach myself new daily practices.

So, why is it I don't consistently do the things that will support my emotional and spiritual growth? Where is the struggle?

I suspect it comes from the too many times I had people say: Who do you think you are? You think you are better than me?

I got that often as a kid and a young woman trying to focus and develop myself. My problem was I listened. I wanted to conform, be nice, be respectful.

l have heard I have the power within to do great things, to serve humanity's' deepest causes and be richly rewarded for that service.

It's choosing to practice daily tasks that allow the power within to cause miracles now. Not later, or someday, but now.

So, I've developed my daily prayers for todays fast lifestyle. Each time I pet my dogs I ask to be of service, each time I touch a door nob I say "I have the ability to do great things", and each time I'm walking the dogs I take a moment to breathe in the beauty of stillness.

These are my daily prayers.

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