Monday, February 8, 2010

"How Primitave"

It seemed for years modern societies judge harshly how seemingly backward civilizations live. How they teach their children to function in the society, their rituals, myths, and daily practices.

And we go in there and attempt to modernize them. usually destroying the very fabric of the society while we upgrade them.

And we justify this behavior by saying 'how primitive' they behave, or are.

I was reading a story about a Western doctor that worked in Ecuador for 2 years, he noticed that in the area of sex, an elder would take a teenager and teach them positive sexual techniques, how to please themselves and the partner. The standard practice was to have sex in nature, that the being in nature helps heighten the experience for both.

The doctor remarked on the practice, the elder asked, "How does your society learn about sex" the doctor replied, 'Usually 2 teenagers get in the back seat of a car and fumble their way through it"
The elder replied "How Primitive".

No kidding, I thought.

Many of our modern practices are just that primitive, we have lost our connections to each other as humans, as spiritual beings.

I ask myself, 'what can I do today to better connect myself to my world in a nurturing, and positive way'

Maybe just that will help bring back some of the primitive ways lost.

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