Friday, January 22, 2010

Reading "Think and Grow Rich" daily

This is a picture of me and Bob Proctor at my training three years ago. I was awarded my LifeSuccess license at this picture. :)

Bob Proctor was the one that got me to start reading Napoleon Hill's masterpiece, "Think and Grow Rich". He reads it everyday. And he has done so since 1961. Oh yeah, the guy is quite wealthy, his marriage works, and he gives back to the community.

I have taught classes using the book, and have read it several times, and I've also got the recording of the book, and listen to it in my car occasionally.

But in December 2009, my friend and I gave ourselves a challenge, "Lets read through the entire book aloud each day for 30 minutes." Wow! The book has come alive in ways I never imagined.

Today we read about the genesis of United States Steel Corporation. I've read that chapter many times, and it was okay, but not inspirational. Today I got what Mr Hill was saying. That faith, not the faith I was taught in church, but real faith, builds ideas into fruition. Faith is believing in something no one else does. Faith gives vision, clarity, persistence, and hope.

I intend to build my faith muscle. Society has been so kind to help me build my resignation muscle, it's time for me to build faith.

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