Tuesday, February 2, 2010

With so much good, why do we focus on bad?

I've been hearing about different agencies doing remarkable work in the world. Building homes, schools, hospitals, creating clean drinking water, to name just a few.

And I wondered, if we are doing all this good work in the world, why don't we hear more about that? Why do we always hear about the latest murder, scandal, financial collapse, or scam?

With all the seminars, workshops, weekend retreats, giving us some of the most valuable information on living a fulfilled, creative, productive life, what the heck is going on on our world?

With all the beauty, music, art, love,and freedom; what has us keep dwelling in the drama?

What is really going on there? Really. Let's tell the truth about our world, how it is working in more harmony than ever experienced. Yes, of course we've got work to do, yes we need to rethink lots of ways in which we finance, use resources, distribute goods and services, yes of course that needs improvement.

But to constantly focus and be fed how bad things are....needs to shift.

If what we focus on get bigger, what we put our attention to builds, maybe we need to begin to focus on the good, and make that bigger.

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