Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Guided Meditation

Each Friday morning I facilitate a guided meditation. It's a conference call number and I guide callers on expanding your abundance.

I guide people through relaxing and balancing their bodies and then we take a mental journey to what I call their Sacred Spot. A place just for you to design and be.

I love my Sacred Spot. and when I am designing something for myself, like a new commitment, a new career, more money, I place myself in that spot and picture the things I want in my life there.

My Sacred Spot is an island that has beaches, woods, and mountains. So I get it all. :)

I can walk along the sandy beaches and listen to the surf, I can walk in the woods and hear the birds, and smell the deep rich smell of plants, or I can sit atop the mountains and view the world.

What is your Sacred Spot? Do you have one? Take a moment today and design your Sacred Spot. What you put into it will come back 'twelve fold'.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You've got an incredibly good blog. Most of the people will not recognize what mind power can do to one's success.
