Monday, March 15, 2010

Tune in your Intuition

Intuition has been defined as understanding without apparent effort.

Intuition is at the root of solving problems, heightening relationships, harvesting good health, and developing new sources of wealth.

But how does one go about 'tuning into' intuition?

Joseph Campbel suggested that you have a private space just for you, maybe it's a room, or a corner of a room, where you can listen to the music you like, even if other people say it's corny, or old fashioned. But what you start to experience is a sense of personal space for you to breathe and expand your spirit.

There was a man, Dr Elmer Gates, who had a room that he would go into and shut off all the lights and sit quietly and allow the solutions to the problem he was working on to emerge. Just so you can get a sense of the man: he had over 200 patents. Dr Gates got paid to 'sit for ideas' by individuals and corporations alike.

We don't just sit anymore. We are in a 'get it done' world. It's not practiced on a regular basis. But finding that place for you, that room, or time of day where you can allow your spirit to breathe, will bring to you ideas and knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of thought.

Take time each day to allow your intuition to awaken.

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