Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nothing Beats Momentum

We read about momentum rarely. Most people do not understand momentum, or it's power.

The definition of momentum is: the strength gained by motion or the development of events.

Normally we get discouraged and stop our commitment to something long before it can gain the power of momentum.

Momentum can add to your financial security, health, relationships, and most importantly development as a human being.

Just by studying for 30 minutes a day, studying any of the many personal development courses, you can set yourself on a path of power, fulfillment, and success beyond your current level of dreaming.

This has happened for me. Four years ago I began a personal growth commitment. I began with reading and studying "The Science of Getting Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich". When I started I was miserable with my life. I felt I was on a path of being a victim of my circumstances.
I knew I needed to change but I did not know how or where to begin. Then I watched "The Secret" and I thought, Okay, here is something I can give a shot."

That started me on a path that today I am just beginning to realize how powerful my choice was.

The smallest step, if you keep taking them, can take you to the top of Everest.

If you have questions as to where to start, just contact me. Get yourself on a path of your personal growth.

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