Friday, January 1, 2010

2010! the New Year

It's the new year. To make this year better than ever, to have this year be a year of miracles, results, and deep fulfillment, here is a suggestion.

Spend about 10-15 minutes each day sitting quietly and asking yourself: What do I desire more than anything?

Allow yourself to dream, to imagine your deepest desire. A relationship, a feeling of vitality, and vigor, a new career path that is fulfilling, recognition for the job you do. Whatever, dream it.

Next once you see what you deeply desire write in your journal how happy you are that you have that desire. Spend time throughout the day feeling the feelings of joy and happiness now that you have accomplished your desires.

Next, let it go. Let go of all attachment to how it has to look, and appear. Allow it to come to you in the wonderful and miraculous way you never expected.

Allow 2010 to be wonderful, love every minute of this profound year. ALL OF IT. The ups the downs, the ins and outs. Love all of it.

You will be amazed at how it turns out.

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