Sunday, January 10, 2010

Passion is not Pushy

I hear so many people tell me that they are passionate about some product they are selling, or the new Multi-level-marketing company that they are signed up with. And they they proceed to attempt to push me into buying the product or signing up under them to sell it.

Yeah, that's not passion, that's pushing.

Real passion is infectious. It has no agenda, no marketing ploy, no force.

It interesting force will negate the results that you are looking for. So if you force people, you will get some results, and that might encourage you to do the same behavior over and over, but, in the long run it will negate the things you really want to happen in your life.

Think of the person who forces his/her way in business and focuses only on that, later to see that many of the decisions of their life left them lonely and afraid.

So, can you really think that that is passion?

Isn't passion that part of ourselves that is so pure that just being in the prescience of real passion we just want to get involved? We just want to play too?

If you feel you have never seen real passion, just go the playground and watch kids play. It will so infect you that you will want to jump on the swing set too!

So the trick is to learn what makes you passionate? What gets your juices flowing?

Take on an experiment: Investigate what gives you joy. See if, while you are involved in that activity, someone wants to join in. That's passion!

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