Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ever Feel Like Ya Gotta Do It Alone?

Do you ever feel like you've gotta do it all by yourself? and you are up against odds that you had no idea were this hard?
I like what Madonna said once before a concert of hers, "I never would have done this if I knew it would be this hard." the interviewer asked her "What? Done what?"
She said, "Be a rock star. Being a dancer was so much easier."

It does seem tough to keep going when every muscle in your body says 'STOP!" And you don't feel like you got enough sleep, and your eating too much junk food 'just to get through this last push', or exercise is some strange ritual your neighbors do, but not you.

In the beginning of any new venture, that is when the going is the hardest. Just like a great river that starts as a small bubbling spring, each rock or tree or hill seems to stop the flow and the water needs to find a new path, go around the rock or tree, but the river gets started none the less.

Like that spring you too will confront obstacles. It's almost like there is a hidden trickster tempting you to stop, give up and go back to your old ways. (That trickster remarkably has the sound of your voice down cold.)

But the purpose of a goal is to support you in expanding your awareness. It's to develop your consciousness through action.

And when you take on the expansion of your level of awareness it will feel like you are all alone pushing boulders.

That's when you call upon your inner core that is stronger than you have ever imagined. Your inner resource of strength, resolve, and purpose.

Purpose makes life worth while. Your purpose, what are you here to provide, or be of service to others? Find your purpose, or what Joseph Campbell says, "Find your bliss". Find that inner joy, that place of devotion, and all the rocks and trees, and hills or mountains will not slow you down.

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