Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Plant Seeds

Oh boy it's Wednesday!

Some people call it hump day. I like to think of Wednesday as the day for inspiring questions. Or planting seeds.

It has been said that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask.

So you could ask; how can I take 2 weeks off work and not lose any pay. And the level of thinking will be on that level. Fine thing to think about.

But what about the question being; how can I take a vacation to my favorite place and increase my income by 10%?

Kinda amazing when you think of it huh? Each question is perfectly legitimate, and acceptable, but the second one opens up possibilities of freedom not experienced in the first.

So I like to think of Wednesday as seed planting day. What questions can I start to ask that will pull me forward, that will put me in a kind of development unprecedented.

What can you ask today that will plant a seed for your dreams to become your reality?

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