Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day Two

"The first principle of success is desire--knowing what you want. Desire is planting the seed." Robert Collier.

I've read words similar to this for years. "You must know what you want, get clear in your mind what you want."

I thought, many times, that I knew exactly what was being said. "I know" I can hear that little voice in my head say. "Of course, I know, and I know this other thing too......."

Yesterday I asked myself to 'not know', to be willing to allow other answers to come forth. What an interesting day.

I found myself catching assumptions of life and how it works. Things like "It takes time for that to happen, money isn't easy to make, struggle is how it happens."

Wow! Each time I caught myself in that I would simply ask if that was true. I began to question thoughts that were automatic in the area of money.

BTW: one person who reads this blog has thought of me for a job. How cool is that?

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