Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Tale of Play

Play is the fastest way we learn, grow and develop as humans. Why then do we lessen our experience of play as we age?

Looking at the images of paintings and frescoes throughout the ages, play has always been depicted, but interestingly enough, in these images adults are playing too. In our current images of play, it seems limited to children, adults take a back seat.

What has happened? How have we gotten so serious?

Kevin Carrol, a man dedicated to the resurgence of sport and play in life. His book The Red Rubber Ball is fantastic.
Some questions he suggests we ask:

# What are some "play words" that resonate with you?
# What were the favorite games you played as a child?
# Did you do magic or have magical experiences?

Play. It is important, it is vital.

I am grateful I have playful puppies to remind me of the joy of life through play.
I suggest to myself and to you, dear ones. to play to your dreams. Play to your dream job, marriage, vacation, home, car, or whatever you dream about. Play to it.

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