Sunday morning starts like any other morning. The same routine of activities.
But there is a relaxed quality. There is no time line to worry about, no matter what social event I have agreed to, or bills to pay or quicken to update. There is a kind of air, space, timelessness quality to my steps.
I still wake up to the same complaints about myself, I guess that got programmed in at an early age and it does take considerable focus to re-program complaints about 'not being enough', or whatever.
It's the peace between 7 am - 10 am that I love. In these moments I breathe and think into solutions. I ask myself 'what's next to fulfill on your vision', or 'who would be good to connect with next?'. I don't ask it from panic or worry, as if I must force the world to bend my way, I remain open for something to surprise me.
Now here 's the kicker, sometimes it works, sometimes, it's just quiet. But I remain respectful of whatever appears.
I wonder if that isn't a quality we Fast-Food, get a quick answer, generation have lost. The respect for the quiet. And in that quiet magical answers will apeear, if you breathe.
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