Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart." Sarah Ban Breathnach

I have heard myself; and a few of my friends say, "Okay! I'm ready to receive NOW...any time NOW....I've given enough NOW, it's time for me to GET."

Yeah, I've said it more than a few times. Funny thing, with that attitude I don't get what I'm looking for. Or if I do get it, I don't recognize it.

For years I was looking for the reincarnated Clark Gable to swoop me off my feet, fall in love with me and ask me to marry him. It never happened. All the time I usually had a great Clark Kent right next to me, but I wasn't in a mind set to receive. I wanted someone else to validate me. And come on, Clark Kent just didn't feel validating. When I could feel my worth, then I was ready to really love someone.

So, what does the mean for me about my dream job?

I keep reading that the universe will respond abundantly to the vibration of whatever I am passionate about, focused upon, committed to, and what I really believe is possible.

"really believe is possible"

I asked myself "what do I really believe is possible?"

I found all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings there. Aha! I thought, like Sherlock Holmes. No wonder!

These negative thoughts and feeling sneak in, they know every crack, and back door through my positive armour. I could feel the truth of how I really think, how I constantly judge and evaluate myself, and how that keeps me from an abundant frame of mind.

Each morning as I wake up, I say over and over, "Thank you" I picture myself having fun at work, feeling fulfilled, joyful at what I am doing. I actually got myself to tears this morning picturing myself in this new capacity.

Well, that's what I've got for today! Thanks for reading along. Love and prosperity to you all

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