Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where are we headed?

We live in amazing times. We can fly anywhere in the world, and within hours land in a far off place only dreamed of less than 100 years ago. But with all this movement, where are we headed?

We just finished off the Thanksgiving season, and are now quickly headed to the Christmas season, the season of giving. But what exactly are we giving?

Maybe the recent layoffs and the financial squeeze everyone is feeling these days is a wonderful opportunity to re-evaluate what we give and how we give.

I learned early from my oh so broken family, that money was supposed to sooth the wounds of bad behavior, bad tempers, and guilt from a too quick tongue. Money and gifts were supposed to be what was accepted instead of an apology. It was supposed to be the apology. So Christmas was to make up for all the transgressions of the past year.

I remember thinking this was a silly way to live one's life.

With the lesser economy, maybe just listening to each other could be the greatest gift.

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