Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Untying the Knotted Mind

Maybe our biggest challenge is untying the knot of self-deception, and make no mistake, it is a tangled knot we inherited from our parents and ancestors.

The more I read of the 'great' beings that have blessed our history and some that are publishing books in our generation, the more I am amazed by the commitment of 'normal' society to keep us asleep, unaware and unconscious to the miracle resting within each of us.

In every spiritual tradition there is at least one who kept saying, you too can connect to the power of our world and inherit it's wealth, or love or health, and yet we continually struggle with these very issues.  Where is the disconnect?  Why all the struggle? 

I can only answer that from my very limited experience of dealing with my brainwashed mind, from my life.  I have seen myself effortlessly produce results, and right after that moment, fear grips my mind "How did I do that?"  "Did I do that?" "Can I ever do it again?"  and right there I stuff my power, in my socks, basically.  I both fear power and fear the demands of a life devoted to what JF Kennedy Jr said, "To whom much is given much is required"  Ouch!  I don't want the demands of expectations, and ever challenging tasks.  Again, right there I push my power, in my socks.

So, to come to terms with the self-deceptions, suppression, ego trips (both to "I'm so great" to the other country "I suck") and addictions to playing small.  That is a one step at a time, one intention at a time, one prayer at a time ordeal.  There is no fast road, no e-z path, just focus, trust and action. 

Well, that's the path I've been on.

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