Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Simple & Elegant

Meditation, or just stopping long enough for your mind to ease up, has opened my eyes to the simple  elegance of nature.  I live in Los Angeles, and in less than 2 hours drive in any direction,  I can be at the beach, or the mountains or the dessert.  No matter which environment I walk within, I am awed by nature, its abundance, intelligence and perisitence.  With all the stops and distructions that humanity tries to extend to our world, our world keeps working brilitatly and easily.  There is no strain, no struggle, just growth.  I see blades of grass pushing up through blocks of cement.  Cement cannot stop grass from growing. 

So why do we as human beings suffer, struggle, strife, feel that there is lack and limitation?  Why persist in that level of thinking, when to observe nature just the opposite is apparent?  Seems as if we want to struggle, we like the strain.  To really strain and struggle for success justifies that you deserve it.  What if there was no such thing as deserve or not deserve?  What if it had nothing to do with deserving at all?  What could we design our life around then?

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