Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Releasing Energy

"An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing."  Lao Tzu

The first time I heard this quote, over 25 years ago, I thought, "I want some of that!".  As I visit this quote from time to time in my life, I have come to wonder if there isn't something about releasing resistance to what I think life is that could be a gateway towards this kind of integrity.
Perhaps what keeps me from being the integral being that I express the desire to be, is resistance I experience from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. 

Resistance to my friends and family being who and what they are, the economy being what it is, politicians being who they are, the media permeating and penetrating each moment telling me who and what I should be, and all the things and ideals that has been handed down from teachers, priests and authority figures since communication began.  All that could be pent up energy that the release of I can only imagine the difference.

Deepak Chopra says that if we really examine natures intelligence it functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness.  What a wonderful idea to try on.  I could live my life through effortless ease, knowing that the power of my resistance-free emotions and thoughts will  manifest not only for my good but for the good of all around me.  I do not need to struggle, or hurt myself, or deny myself, or suppress myself, I can be one with the intelligence of how the world works. 

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