Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Negative Thinking is a Luxury I Can't Afford

It really comes down to realizing that my negative thoughts about my abilities is a luxury that keeps me not only stuck in the same patterns,  but also not taking any steps to grow and develop myself.

What else is there to say?  Self-doubt, worry and insecurities are things I use to keep me playing small, not taking the classes I need to gain new skills, or gain a greater physical ability. 

The constant nag of negative thinking is just that a nag.  It may never go away completely, but I can choose to bring myself forward to rise to the occasion of learning, growth and fulfillment. 

Things happen, I may not like the circumstances I am living within, but I can change my point of view form one of negative complaining to something else.  I have that choice at every moment. 

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