Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bringing a New Sense of Self to 2012

A new sense of self, might not be so new.  It just might be one of being a warrior of service our earth, our humanity and to our life.

I've been watching a TV show called: The Universe.  It is quite interesting, as it teaches on Super Novas, Other  Galaxies, Black Holes, Black Energy, Alien Moons and the like. 

In watching it, I got present to  how precious our life and planet really are.  How unique, not singular, but unique. 

We get so distracted by the day to day upsets, family feuds, angers, and economic concerns that the preciousness of our planet is the last thing we think about.  I mean why should we be concerned about our planet when our mortgage is due!  Ya know?

I pose the question, what if we could allow ourselves to be, to release our struggles, and judgements, too forced positive or forceful  negative thinking.  What if we allowed ourselves to be, with all the stuff that is going on around us and not add any aggression, or temper, or anger to the situation?  It could be a challenge, as one thinks about all the perfectly justified frustrations with the times we are cut off on the freeway, or someone steals from us or our friends, or the next case of violence that  flares in the world.  What if we could be someone that didn't add to the drama?

What would that provide?
Maybe that could be a warrior in service to the earth. To allow ourselves the freedom from getting entangled with the violent voices that can seem to get so much air time, and the soft voices of love that seem to go unnoticed.

Maybe by adding a neutral space could be one thing our earth needs.  That neutral space that is there to be of service.  Like keeping our head when all around us are losing theirs.  There is an enormous power there.

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