Sunday, January 29, 2012


Yesterday, I was up and out the door by 6 AM.  I got to see the sunrise.  It is always a treat for me to watch the sun come up, as the light gently warms the sky. The interesting thing was watching the sunset on the same day.

While watching the sunset on a beautiful day spent outdoors,  I began wondering, "What are we doing, we human beings, to our planet?" We get so involved in all our dramas of survival, making money, spending money, arguing of what is the best diet, exercise program, religion, politics, laws, leaders good and evil, right and wrong, domination and avoidance and on and on.  When I really get present to it all I get dizzy, and slightly confused.  There is no way to make it stop, or ignore it. 

Then I began thinking, "Wait, what am I doing?"  Or more importantly, "What can I do, what could I do to support our world?"  Rather than getting on some soapbox and declare  some one way as the right way, what if I just looked inside my heart and asked myself, what can I do each day to be true  to myself and support our planet? 

I would love to tell you I have an answer, but I do not.  The powerful thing is I have begun to ask the question in such a way that a path will be shown to me, of that I have no worries.  I choose to live a life of embracing change, embracing profound love and take it one step at a time.  Sounds simple?  I know it is not.  It will challenge my old values, static ideas and old notions of reality.  It's slightly confronting to look from here.  Just a little transformational, in that I feel like I am walking during an earthquake, with no sure footing, but with a lot of inner peace.

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