Saturday, January 7, 2012

You Can't Get There From Here

Wherever I am headed in achieving my goals or producing results that are either asked or demanded of me, deep down I understand I can't get to where I want by maintaining my present state of consciousness. 

It's kinda like the quick weight loss diets that can alter your weight, temporarily, but don't do anything to alter the inner workings of the mind so you bounce back to the 'old' weight.  Or the stories of Big Lotto winners that in less than 3 years are broke and deeper in debt than ever before.
We can't get to where we desire or dream by holding on to our current ways of thinking, or for me not thinking.

I am truly amazed by how much I want to get pissed off, or check out, not watch the news, all sorts of things. But, I just got how seeing the world with my preconceived ideals won't help me make the jump to results that heretofore I have struggled to achieve.  It is going to take wrestling with new thoughts, new ideas, and being willing to take the coaching that the world is providing.  Not constantly reach for comfort, conformity and 'going along'.

It means really embracing not only my humanity but all humanity, seeing the things in me I don't like to look at, and seeing them with mercy.  I will never fix myself or the world.  Or my family for that matter!  But I can bring mercy and understanding.  That might be what will help make the jump.

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