Living within this challenging and rapidly changing world, and one person's path using every tool and trick in the book to keep flexible, clear and focused.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ever Fell Like Quiting?
Ever feel like this is not it?
I do today.
I am up for 2 jobs and they look like they just wont happen fast enough.
And I'm looking at my past, and think: no one gave me any referrals, maybe I suck. Maybe I'm really no good.
Ever feel like this?
I do today.
I do today
Quiet Moments
And I give thanks that I get these moments. It is at this moment that I see myself, for lack of a better term, winning. I see myself making that difference with the people I want to connect with, or I see myself getting that big check, or feeling good in my body and knowing I look it.
It's a great moment. I'm talking to every cell in my body, telling it what I want, what I need, and what I desire.
That is how I've accomplished every one of my goals. I gave myself permission to fantasize, to dream. I can't tell you how many people berated me for this kind of being. But truth is; each time I purposefully dreamed, I've accomplished that which I dreamed.
Try it yourself, at least you will give yourself a moment of beauty, and you could reach your dream.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Personal Tramnsformation = Global Transformation

I study everyday. About 30 minutes each day. I study many books and lectures, films, well all sorts of things.
And one thing has become perfectly clear: to transform the world, I can start with me.
What do I mean by transform? I mean altering my prospective, cultivating an open mind, be responsible for my actions and thoughts, focusing on what I want, not on what I don't want, honoring myself and others and believe that the seemingly impossible can become possible.
The world is perfect as it is, and I take simple steps today, to develop my transformation.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Speaking Engagement March 20, 2010

I will be speaking at the Manhattan Beach Brand of AAUW. I will be the at the March meeting. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to speak. I will be doing my "Winner to Champion, or how to make the seemingly impossible possible"
It is a great talk about the shift in perception we can all take to create for ourselves a championship life.
It's not about doing more, or overworking ourselves, it's about being a person of balance, style and elegance.
The talk will be at The Lakes golf club on Sepulveda Ave in El Segundo, brunch will be served. Time: 10 am - Noon.
cost $15.00.
Any of you in the area, please come. ;)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Living on Purpose

We hear a lot today about a life of purpose. Or we need to be passionate about our life. And that can cause discomfort and concern for many. We wonder, well, what is my purpose? What is my passion, What is passion?
There are three easy steps to get yourself in alignment with your purpose. I think you discover your purpose as you live your life. Now some are lucky they seem to 'know' their purpose at an early age. My great Aunt Mary Downey, knew at age 10 she would be a musician, her choice was either singing or piano. However, music was clear.
Maybe you have many interests and talents so to chose one gives you a constricted feeling.
So, I'm not here to dictate to you you need to choose your purpose, but I can give you guidelines for you to engage in that will lead you to a path for you to discover your purpose.
First relax. Allow yourself to get in the flow of life, let yourself be guided to people and places and things that will be in alignment with who you are. and allow that transformation to take place in you. I'm not talking about the uncomfortable or fearful transformation. You do not need to walk on hot coals for this. Breathe, and feel yourself connected to the spiritual side of you.
Next trust. Trust that whatever is in your life now is a perfect expression of what you need to get you closer to your purpose. Even if it looks crazy. Everything in your life contributes to your growth. Accept it and trust that you are on the right path. Trust leads you to gratitude, and gratitude will give you everything you will ever need.
Next be of service. Serve others, be with them, if it's your children, your parents, friends, or the noisy neighbor, be with them. Connect and be of service. that open up the deep buckets of wealth on this planet.
And here is a bonus: ask to be guided to your purpose. Ask each day to be guided, and lead to your higher good, and thank that the path will be the perfect expression of your development.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Nothing Beats Momentum
The definition of momentum is: the strength gained by motion or the development of events.
Normally we get discouraged and stop our commitment to something long before it can gain the power of momentum.
Momentum can add to your financial security, health, relationships, and most importantly development as a human being.
Just by studying for 30 minutes a day, studying any of the many personal development courses, you can set yourself on a path of power, fulfillment, and success beyond your current level of dreaming.
This has happened for me. Four years ago I began a personal growth commitment. I began with reading and studying "The Science of Getting Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich". When I started I was miserable with my life. I felt I was on a path of being a victim of my circumstances.
I knew I needed to change but I did not know how or where to begin. Then I watched "The Secret" and I thought, Okay, here is something I can give a shot."
That started me on a path that today I am just beginning to realize how powerful my choice was.
The smallest step, if you keep taking them, can take you to the top of Everest.
If you have questions as to where to start, just contact me. Get yourself on a path of your personal growth.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Your magic

We have magic within us waiting to be tapped, waiting to be released. Actually longing for it.
All the great leaders from every walk of life for the last 6000 years of recorded history; religious, political, spiritual, financial, scientists, mathematicians, writers, artists, have argued about everything except this one point: man becomes what he thinks about over and over.
That is both our weakness and ultimately our greatest strength. We have within us magic. No kidding magic.
We need to discipline ourselves to think, to see what it is we desire, and exclude all negative thoughts of doubt and worry.
I have to catch myself having negative thoughts, which will lead to negative emotions and then negative actions = negative results.
The magic is communicating with that inner resource we all have called your sub-conscious mind, the seat of all power. The seat of all talent, drive, ambition, and life force. YOU!
So stand before your mirror each day and begin to love that person in the mirror, love the wrinkles, the hair or lack of it, the extra weight, or too thin arms, love each cell in your body and give it the mission to guide you towards your best life ever!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1996 Everst Storm

In 1996 there was a freak 2 day storm that swept over the mountain, taking with it 8 lives. That was a horrible loss for 2 days, the largest recorded ever.
But there were some amazing stories of resilience, fortitude, courage, character and not giving up.
A story we can learn from in today's negative conversations and attitudes about our country, our government, and our world.
When I watch documentaries on the Everest disaster, I am inspired. I weep for the courage it took to keep going in the face of all around you not believing in the power of the human mind and spirit.
Watch Frontlines: the Storm Over Everest, or IMAX's Everest and view the special features on the DVD. Read Beck Weathers book: "Left For Dead".
Give yourself the gift of being inspired.
Yes there is loss, and sadness, but there is also that part of us that is bigger than any circumstance, obstacle, person or situation that tries to stop us.
Believe in that.
Monday, February 15, 2010
5 Questions to ask to get in the flow of life

The more I study the more I am awed by the power each of us holds within.
I watch stories of survivors of natural disasters, or illness, or seemingly dire circumstances. The human mind is a powerhouse of abilities and we don't even use 1/10th of it. What can happen if we focus and start to use 1/12th?
So the question becomes how do I begin to use 2% more?
Ask question that get you in the natural flow of life.
Here are five deceptively easy ones that can get you on a more creative path.
What is it that is allowing me to create meaning in my life?
We are meaning beings. Meaning gives us juice, passion and purpose. so to ask what gives meaning will give you more energy and focus.
Why is that magical for me?
Why does that give you a sense of magic? power? excitement?
Who will help me create this masterpiece?
Who are the people that have the same interests? Or maybe they don't know it yet but you can be the catalyst for them to see themselves in your vision?
When will the milestones become clear for me?
Often times we cant see how we will cause our dreams to happen so we give up. But what about just seeing the first few steps and trusting that the next ones will be revealed?
How will I make this memorable for me and my community?
Having memorable life is what we all want. So how will taking on this desire for ourselves be meaningful? How will doing this feed you when times get tough, and they will, that's how you know you are on the right path, because you are being challenged, developed. And growth has strains. duh. So don't worry about that, just find the memories and keep going.
Hope this helps. It has helped me.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Elegant Simple Solutions

gosh we love to make things complex and difficult.
Perhaps we get hypnotized by the many attempts by businesses and governments to dazzle us with intellect, or the overpower with information.
What gets lost is that simple solutions takes time to work through. When I'm offered a complex solution I know that the person hasn't gone the extra mile to work through to the clear and elegant result.
It's our misconception of simple that sets up a assumption the it was hastily thrown together, not thought out completely.
A true elegant simple solution is amazing to behold, easily grasped and applied by all.
That's what we want to create. That's whats next for all of us.
Monday, February 8, 2010
"How Primitave"

It seemed for years modern societies judge harshly how seemingly backward civilizations live. How they teach their children to function in the society, their rituals, myths, and daily practices.
And we go in there and attempt to modernize them. usually destroying the very fabric of the society while we upgrade them.
And we justify this behavior by saying 'how primitive' they behave, or are.
I was reading a story about a Western doctor that worked in Ecuador for 2 years, he noticed that in the area of sex, an elder would take a teenager and teach them positive sexual techniques, how to please themselves and the partner. The standard practice was to have sex in nature, that the being in nature helps heighten the experience for both.
The doctor remarked on the practice, the elder asked, "How does your society learn about sex" the doctor replied, 'Usually 2 teenagers get in the back seat of a car and fumble their way through it"
The elder replied "How Primitive".
No kidding, I thought.
Many of our modern practices are just that primitive, we have lost our connections to each other as humans, as spiritual beings.
I ask myself, 'what can I do today to better connect myself to my world in a nurturing, and positive way'
Maybe just that will help bring back some of the primitive ways lost.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
If You Dare to be a Poet
George Eliot said it best: “To be a poet is to have a soul so quick to discern, that no shade of quality escapes it, and so quick to feel, that discernment is but a hand playing with finely ordered variety on the chords of emotion—a soul in which knowledge passes instantaneously into feeling, and feeling flashes back as a new organ of knowledge.”
Life may be crowded,
but if you dare to be a poet,
It is daring us to be ourselves, in a world that asks for conformity, and compliance.
Writer G. Eliot also pokes us: Its never too late to be who you might have been.
That gives us hope, hope that we can become who we know deep down we are.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Mentors are different than Coaches

Coaches are great people. Most of them. They can bring teams together, have a group of individuals work as a unit. They provide focus, clarity, and vision. However, they do not play the game with you. They sit on the side line and watch and judge.
Mentors are different. Mentors are in the game with you, they do not sit on the sidelines, they are right along side of you, playing the complicated game of life.
The most important people in my life were mentors, not coaches. My mentors were amazing people, had no judgements of how I should or shouldn't behave, had no preconceived notion of how things should work out. they were committed people in the trenches with me.
Coaches are easy to find. Way too many people call themselves a coach. But where are the mentors?
We need a lot more mentors and less coaches.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thinking big

There is a remarkable difference between people who think big, and the rest of us. I woke up this morning realizing that I tend to think small.
Even when I 'feel' I'm thinking big, it's just disguised small thinking fantasizing of big things.
I've worked along side of people that think big, they tend to threaten the masses just walking in the room. I remember when a new manager came in our office one day, and my office mate sitting next to me said, "We are in trouble now".
And he was right in many ways, our comfortable slow working pace needed to change, our energy needed to upgrade. He fought it tooth and nail, and ultimately left the office. I think it was his small thinking that had him unwilling to shift gears.
And thinking big is a matter of shifting gears. Nothing else is as important than shifting gears to big thinking.
What we think is something each of us has control over. We really can determine how and what we think. We can choose our thoughts. We can change the automatic ramblings of our mind. It takes focus and persistence.
That is the challenging part. What I do is find people that inspire me, and follow their lead.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
With so much good, why do we focus on bad?

I've been hearing about different agencies doing remarkable work in the world. Building homes, schools, hospitals, creating clean drinking water, to name just a few.
And I wondered, if we are doing all this good work in the world, why don't we hear more about that? Why do we always hear about the latest murder, scandal, financial collapse, or scam?
With all the seminars, workshops, weekend retreats, giving us some of the most valuable information on living a fulfilled, creative, productive life, what the heck is going on on our world?
With all the beauty, music, art, love,and freedom; what has us keep dwelling in the drama?
What is really going on there? Really. Let's tell the truth about our world, how it is working in more harmony than ever experienced. Yes, of course we've got work to do, yes we need to rethink lots of ways in which we finance, use resources, distribute goods and services, yes of course that needs improvement.
But to constantly focus and be fed how bad things are....needs to shift.
If what we focus on get bigger, what we put our attention to builds, maybe we need to begin to focus on the good, and make that bigger.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Dogs Understand Abundance

My dogs understand the true nature of abundance. For them all is good and all is available. There is no scarcity, lack, worry, doubt.
It's our left-brained thinking that gets us into trouble with the worry of lack and limitation. Left-brained thoughts are very judgemental, critical, and opinion based. If you wonder if you have left brain thinking just listen to your little voice in you head and hear the running commentary of what should be happening, what needs to happen and how fast it needs to work.
Please do not get me wrong, we need left brain thinking. Otherwise we would never remember how to tie our shoes.
However right brain thinking is where our creative juices flow. It has to do with color, sound, movement and the present moment.
If you want to get access to the abundance that my dogs feel every day, take a big breath in, deeply breathe in from your toes, and slowly release it out.
That calming moment is being present to now. And now is essentially all there is.
That's what my dogs do, just be with now, in all it's abundance, and glory.