Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"To everything, turn, turn, turn, there is a season"

We are coming into a new year, a new decade. On this day, the 30th of December 2009, complete any past grudges, grievances, mistakes, failures, and upsets.

Start the New Year, the new decade 2010, with a clean plate, a clean mind, a clean heart.

One way to do this is to write all the upsetting things that happened on a piece of paper, really spend the time to write is all down. Then take the pages (cause you know there will be more than one!) and burn them! Light a fire in the fireplace, or get the BBQ going strong with some coals, and burn those pages.

Let the burning of these pages represent the completion of all these past dramas, and free yourself from carrying them with you.

Then take a new sheet of paper and write how your life is now. Write what you want as already having happened, give yourself the feelings of having that life now.

Take that paper and keep it by your bed to read each night.

Then sit back a be awed as to how these things come to you.

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