Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Problems 101

Problems are not what we think they are.

The truth about problems is, we will always have them, like anything else in the world. Problems are rampant in the bible, if you ever read it, it's all about problems and how someone raised himself or herself above the problem and succeeded.

I was around for the Vietnam war, and it seemed our country was going to break itself in two during that chaotic time. People argued at work, at home and at church. I remember thinking that if we could only stop the war we could go back to being good to each other.

And then the war did stop, and the arguments and resentments continued. The people that were the strongest critics of the war kept on criticizing.

I realized at that moment that as a species we were always going to have problems, or issues, or friction. The true test of our mettle and courage is how we handle the issue.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Einstein said.

So, the real question becomes not "how do I solve this problem" but "what questions can I ask that will free my thinking to create new ideas"

Set a small time each day for creative thinking, and watch how fast you resolve problems.

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