Thursday, December 24, 2009

Goal setting & goal achieving part 1

Hey it's the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. Time to set some goals!

This article is in two parts. The first is about setting the goal the second is about achievement of the goals.

Goal setting and goal achieving are two completely different activities. Most people misunderstand this completely. Just knowing that they are two completely different activities raises your ability to achieve your goals. But if you really want to reach the stratosphere of achievement pay attention to how you set them.

It's just like a quarterback who sets the football for the kicker; the setting of the ball makes or breaks the kick. You can learn how to set your goals and be assured of a solid foundation in achieving them.

Lets take apart goal setting and goal achieving and see the differences between the two.

Goal setting is an intellectual exercise, goal achieving is a spiritual exercise. I will get into goal achieving in the second part of this series. But for now lets just look at goal setting.

Goal setting is a time when you look intellectually at what you have and what you lack, and begin to put a goal to achieve what you currently do not have and add it to the column to what you do have.

This might seem obvious, but it is very important. If you can see this you will be able to set your goals with more freedom and effectiveness.

Notice that the idea is to put what you do not have into the column you have.
The game of a goal is to change the columns. It's to add to the have column and diminish the have not column.
The game in it's essence is to have more in the 'have' column and less in 'have not' column.

Here is where we get lost in setting goals we begin with what I will call the negative mind set. We set goals with negative emotions attached to them. And that, right there, is in essence why most goals get lost somewhere in February, never to be seen again. We have negative emotions in what we see we want compared to what we do not have and that puts a downward spiral to our goals.

Ever wonder if that might dimmish your goal achieving capability?

It does! Big time.

So to be effective in setting goals I suggest you take some time and set goals from a new emotional place, one called: you can see yourself already having accomplished your goal. You can see it, feel it and emotional are involved that you have it already.

Why? Because your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what it imagines. Don't believe me? Okay look up on Wikipedia about visualization for athletics, or the astronauts, or read about Russian studies in training their Olympic contenders in the 1950-60's. They trained their people to see the goal as already won.

So take time to visualize what you see and your goals for 2010. then write them down in the most positive and present tense language you can such as; 'I have the job of my dreams', 'my office is beautiful', 'I have clients that love to work with me', or 'I am paid exceptionally well'. The best stand by if you can't think of any other way to say your goals say this: “I am so happy and grateful now that I have..........”

So take some time, at least the same amount of time you spend planning your vacations in setting a few goals for 2010.

Here are some categories that you can look at in setting your goals:


-net worth



-giving time
-giving donations
-volunteer on Board of Directors for Non-profit

Okay, see you in part two: Goal Achieving!

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