Saturday, July 14, 2012

Practcing Peace

What is it really to practice peace?  What does peace really look and feel like?  Is it a world without conflict? or war?

Or could it be an inner peace, a making friends with ourselves, showing compassion and patience for our short tempers, cruel snarky remarks, even crueler thoughts, and judgements of others.  Making peace in times of war and great turbulence is the ability to not pull back from tough times, but step into each moment aware and conscious.

Making peace is looking within not pointing our fingers at others behavior.  Peace starts right in our shoes, right in our homes, with our fragile families and seeing our reaction to their behavior so we can finally disentangle the mess.  Easy to say, harder to do, as we are addicted to finding fault in others.  It's so much easier to blame the other than to look within at ourselves.

But there is no fulfillment or happiness in finding fault with others.  Inside judging others there is only the practice of being critical, bitter and angry.  I am reminded of a story about the Buddha. 
In a small town, a mad elephant came charging through the streets, the elephant came upon the Buddha and calmed down.  It's a story that illustrates that a calm centered mind can make a difference to a wild untamed unfocused mind, or minds. 

Today, be generous with yourself and others and practice peace.

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