Monday, July 23, 2012

Courage to Face Deadend Behaviors

What does it take to see some of our behaviors don't work?  What does it take for us to wrestle with the demands of changing behavior?

My husband and I have an elliptical machine in front of our TV.  We have an agreement that we will use the machine 3-4 times a week.  We agreed that each time we get on the machine is a win, and will be celebrated that way with cheers and bravos.  In the 3 years we have had the machine, we have used it every week.  Maybe only once, but it is used as an exercise machine, not a clothes hanger. 

Small wins but significant.  It gives me pause to ask; can I support myself in developing other behaviors using the same reward system?   Can I somehow reward myself when I don't lose my temper, over indulge, run away, or worse take my love away?

I believe it takes a powerful amount of courage to face our inhumanity, our cruelty, our ambivalence to the pain ans suffering of others, and the injustices we inflict? 

When there is no inherent reward to awaken, or develop our consciousness.  By that I mean we don't immediately become successful, rich, famous, or thin, all the things our world tells us we should be, want and desire.  Sometimes the biggest reward we get for developing our consciousness is more pain and trouble until we have the courage to be able to be with whatever circumstance life gives us. 

 Do I have the courage to see what works and doesn't work and face my dead end behaviors with compassion, joy and humor?  Will I embrace the inhumane within me to transform it for all? 

I remember I worked with a very powerful woman and she joked that in the early days of the Woman's Movement all they did was sit around and complain about men.  However, that was needed in order to get to the other side of the complaints and deal with the issues barefaced and powerfully. 

Courageously facing the dead end issues is the start.  Then celebrating each win just might support the ongoing daily practice.

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