Monday, February 13, 2012

Who Are We

I loved this picture when I first laid eyes on it.   The ever changing nature of being human. 

We laugh and cry all within the span of a few minutes.  Emotions charge through us, desire burns in our minds and bellies.  And yet who are we really?

Are we our heritage?  or upbringing?  or personalities?  our likes and dislikes?
Or are we something bigger and beyond all these things?  Our likes change as we grow, the memories of our past fades and we don't really remember exactly how things happened, yet we hold on to the images of our past as if they were real.

Who are we really? 

I like to think that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We are co-creators of our world, not just victims in our world.  That is easy to say and very challenging to live.  I can recount all the times I was just darn sure that I was a victim of circumstance, not creating any experience.

But as I get older and open up to the design of the world as it is, not as I want it to be or as the media tells me it is, I see I have a choice in each minute to add grace and compassion to each event that unfolds before me.  That could be the only test that life gives us day in and day out.  Will we add love or not?

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