Saturday, August 4, 2012

Meditation With My Dogs

Three dogs own me.  I don't 'own them'.  They have adopted me, taken me into their lives, hearts, and ultimately have trained me.  There are so many lessons I have learned from my dogs.  For example, always be happy to meet someone, a tail wagging body is a happy body, a nap in the afternoon is a good thing, and it's okay to growl once in a while to keep peace.  I will write more on that at another time.

I did want to express the joys I have discovered in meditating with my dogs each morning.  It's a practice I've developed in the past year.  After our morning walk, and feeding, and after my 7:00 AM coaching call I settle in to meditate.  To my delight the dogs have observed my behavior and found that they too want to settle in for 30 minutes of sitting quietly and being.  Each dogs goes to their spot on the couch or floor.  This is after the coveted spot next to me has been taken by one of them.  We all calm our breathing and sit.

Its wonderful, my dogs are my meditation buddies!  I would love to tell you that all sorts of beautiful things happen, but mostly its  30 minutes of the day that I get to check in watch my mind tumble and machinate over images and arguments from ages past.  And sometimes I see the humor of it all.  The dogs keep me anchored in the present moment, of seeing the beautiful colors of the day, hearing the birds and neighborhood awaken and greet the day. 

There are times I imagine that my big dog, Mace, has wisdom beyond his appearance.  My middle girl, Rook, is the love dog, she glows with deep love for her pack.  The new pup, Sprocket, is just energy now, but I see a spirited adventurer emerging..

Each of them teach me about being aware, being love, and savoring each moment of life.

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