Monday, August 27, 2012

Meditation with the Dogs pt2

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I meditate each morning with my dogs.  I have three boxers from ages 1-6.  The one year old is very peppy to say the least,  to get her to sit down in the morning has been slightly challenging in the beginning.

However, each morning I take my seat and we all settle down to meditate.  Surprising things have been happening.

The first thing is how attentive the dogs have been towards me.  But more importantly, they are fast to respond to any command I give them, such as sit, wait, stop, lie down.  They have always been obedient, as we spent lots of time in obedience classes.  But this is something different.  This feels as if they know the command before I speak it and are sitting as I speak the words.  At first I thought it was curious.

Then I was at the dog park with the little one the other day.  There was one dog that was giving her a hard time, chasing her and nipping at her heels, like she was trying to herd mine.  One large German Sheppard saw this happening and kept cutting in-between to separate the chasing dog from my dog.  This happened several times, and  the German Sheppard got himself in position to block the other dog away from mine.   He got into a protective position next to me, my dog and the herding dogs.  The other dog got the message and sauntered off.  I looked down at the German Sheppard and said "Thank You".  The German Sheppard looked at me right in the eyes and nodded his head.

He knew I was speaking to him, he knew I was acknowledging him.  The connection was clear.  I was startled. As in all moments, things happen and you move on to the next task and don't think about it until later. 

 Later than night I was thinking of the connection with the German Sheppard and was reminded of The Bodhisattva Vow: Beings are numberless; I vow to awaken with them. 

Who knew it could look like that?

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