Thursday, March 29, 2012

Unsung Heroes

Feet.  We forget how important they are.  We use them everyday, all day.  They stand us up, move us from place to place and keep us steady whenever we want and each time we want.

I don't know about you, but I don't think about how important my feet are until they give me trouble.  Last week my toes on my left foot started to ache so much that it caused pains up the front of my calf.  I had difficulty standing, walking and cramps in my calf muscles wake me from a sound sleep and wouldn't release until I walked it out.

As I was rocking in pain, I realized how little I notice or take care of my feet, how little attention I give them.   That thought gave me pause to consider the many other things that I take for granted.  I thought of the many parts of my body that work constantly to keep me alive and functioning.  I thought of the many things in my life that work endlessly giving me ease and comfort.  Hot and cold fresh running water, electricity to light the night and operate all the appliances in my house. 

Then I thought of the people that I love that care and support me.  It was quite humbling to realize the wonderful life I lead and how often I forget that fact.  It's so strange that I need reminders to get present to how perfect life really is.

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