Thursday, March 22, 2012

Small Miracles

As I have been downsized from my job, I have had some time to take long walks with my dogs.  I have three dogs, three boxers.  They are sensitive, athletic and high-energy.  They are loving this time together.

I have had the time and energy to take them on some lovely long walks along the Palos Verdes coast.  Trump Golf Course, the cove just off PV Drive West, the fire road at the end of Crenshaw Blvd, and the trails off of Crest Street.  Each walk has offered them many new smells with which to become engrossed.  However, for me, it has been the views that have taken all thought out of my head. 

That is a considerable task these days, as I seem to have a lot of concerns about when I will get a new position.  To experience moments of reprieve from the constant nattering of the negative voice in my head is a small miracle.

That small miracle gives me moments of such beauty and peace, if I were a poet I could come close to eliciting the experience in this blog.  So, here is my shot at communicating these moments of bliss.

I see shimmering ocean waves endlessly rushing and crashing into the rocky shore, clear blue skies that stretch for miles above me uninterrupted by any clouds, and hear the songs of birds calling out to each other.  The colors of the sky, sea, trees, sand and ocean surf amaze me.  I live in such a beautiful place. 

While I enjoy these moments of physical and mental beauty, my dogs are busy sniffing out smells, playing tag and chasing one another.  We make quite a team.  Me, breathing in a moment of bliss my way, and the dogs their way. 

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