Sunday, March 11, 2012

Creative Mindset

Its a funny thing about designing our life's purpose, or asking for what we want from life, we have some preconceived ideas that could sabotage our thinking.

I'm not referring to the usual thoughts that people have already bumped up against.   For example,  "I don't deserve X"  or "How can I get X to happen when  I can't even Y".  Familiar one that we hear and have heard others speak about.

No, I mean something we inherited from the past.  We think of all goals as things or solid objects.  Something to hold in our hands, like a trophy.  Maybe they aren't.  Maybe goals or designing our life's purpose is something to be nurtured everyday, examined everyday, and gently attended to everyday.  Maybe there is no achievement as we have inherited achievement from our grandparents or parents.  Like a field to be plowed, or seed to be planted, cities to be built, roads to carved out of the earth.  Tangible, hard fast achievement, with an end game.

I'm  suggesting  that while we think of purpose or asking for what we want as things, we also think that  we only need ask once or achieve the end results once. 

A life's purpose is not a thing like a painting or a mechanical invention.  These are not things at all, but thoughts that create a world, and if the world you are creating for yourself, or asking for, hasn't happened yet, keep asking keep creating, keep focusing.

Develop a creative mindset.

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