Sunday, March 25, 2012

Clover Fields

I grew up in the Midwest.   When you caught the first sight of the clover flowers in the fields you knew summer was almost here.  It was a welcome sight.  After a long winter of snow storms, bitter cold walks to school, and rainy spring days, to see the clover flowers dotting the yards was a welcome sight.  That meant tennis shoes, cut offs and lazy hot days ahead.  

The clover flowers would cover the yards and fields we would explore throughout the summer months.  Bumblebees would ramble around the flowers dipping up and down in the flowers.  An occasional Robin would land in the field and snatch up a worm.  Mostly, we could lay in the clover and look up in the sky and make pictures out of the clouds, an alligator here, an elephants rear there. 

This morning on my 6 AM walk in the park with the dogs, the baseball field was covered with clover flowers. Seeing the little buds of white dotting the field was a fond moment on this wet damp cool morning.

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