Friday, November 18, 2011

A Life Worth Living

It seems common sense doesn't it? to live a life worth living?

But what is common sense is not common practice.

We still invest our mind, body and soul to things that are ultimately inconsequential.

I have been practicing a kind of mind and body wash, clearing the cobwebs of thought to get present to life as it is, in order to be able to communicate more effectively, cleanly and elegantly.

By keeping in mind simplicity, focus and present awareness, I have begun the road to better use my talents, appreciate the negative comments and , for lack of a better word, attacks, in tow.

Being ones' own person in a world that constantly demands conformity, is what every person form the beginning of time has had to suffer through. It's what is, no escape for anyone. But be on the path. That is my best thought for today. I am on the path, I have shown up.

That is what makes a life worth living, YOU show up. YOU are present.

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