Sunday, November 20, 2011

Back in the 90's When Things Were Differnt....

Things have changed dramatically.

Many things for the good. Things such as we have a more diverse source of news and opinions. We are not limited to the single focus of the Rupert Murdoch news agency. With the Internet and cell phones we have moved from the single area of control to the many.

We no longer are dominated by the Hollywood machine of movies. Independent movies are springing up everywhere as well as television, music, art and other media.

On the other hand, this movement has created as much change that we are barely able to keep up emotionally with all the structural shifts. Emotionally it is difficult for us to know which way our, or any country, is going. What is the vision of our future?

Is it the doom and gloom of global warming, collapsing economies, and governments?

Or is there a way each of us can create a future worth living? Can we as individuals, create personal futures that fulfill us and the world?

I think so, we just have never been asked to do such a thing ever, I mean like EVER! We have always been asked to dedicate our lives to our county's point of view against another, or our religions point of view against another.

What if we could design a future worth living, that was for us, by us and supports ? What if just asking the question was enough to start it?

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